Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth

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By twopersoncult on ao3


Annabeth's head snapped towards the sound as she watched her professor angrily storm towards his desk in long strides. "Well, I guess that answers how we did on our papers," Rachel murmured beside her but Annabeth hadn't heard a word as she looked on, captivated, unable to take her eyes from him, even as he began to go on about papers and assignments. His usual sea green eyes, she noted, were a shade darker in his obvious anger. Anger at what though? Annabeth's friend Rachel leaned towards her and whispered in a teasing tone, "Stop drooling, Blondie before the professor gives you detention". Before she could turn and sputter out her response, Rachel smirked knowingly, "but I'm sure you wouldn't mind that."

Suddenly, they heard a deep, raspy voice calling their name from the front of the classroom, "Miss Chase, is there something you're discussing that's more important than your research papers on Atlantis?"

Annabeth's mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to recall what he'd been telling the class. For all, she knew this could be another one of the trick questions that he would ask to catch students when they weren't paying attention. As her eyes darted to her red-haired friend for help, his voice nearly had her jolting from her seat "You'll see me for detention this afternoon." Rachel saw the worried look on Annabeth's face as she stood up to protest, "But Professor Jac-"

"No buts Miss Chase. Detention."


Annabeth noticed how comfortable she was when she got caught up in conversation with him, the way he never made her feel small and let her voice her opinions. The many looks shared between them on rare occasions where she'd stay back after class to help clean up. He made her laugh - he made everyone laugh but his eyes always seemed to shine brighter when his gaze caught hers. Maybe it was her small crush on him that had her seeing things, but still, the nerves ate at her as she slowly made her way towards the classroom for her detention.

The hallways were empty as classes for the day were over. Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest as a chill swept over the empty hallway, as everyone had already left for whoever was throwing an end-of-the-week party. With a deep breath she finally mustered up the courage to get this over with, raising a fist to knock on the door but just before she could do that, it swung open with force. On the other side, her fist instead collided with a hard chest and her eyes immediately widened as they caught a tattoo peeking from where his shirt sleeve had been rolled up. Her body frozen with mortification, she could do nothing but trail her gaze from his loose tie to his messy black hair until a throat cleared, she knew she'd been staring. Before she could be embarrassed any further, he cleared his throat and made way for her to enter. Only after she heard the soft click on the door closing, did her shoulders involuntarily tighten. As the air thickened, it was made obvious that they were the only two persons in the classroom.

Annabeth looked around the classroom that she'd been into more times than she could count since the start of the semester, paying extra attention to the dents on the floorboard and avoiding eye contact. The faint shuffling of the chair indicated that Professor Jackson had taken a seat at his desk. Tiredly he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Okay Miss Chase, it's a Friday afternoon and I'm sure this is the last place either of us would like to be right now."

"Look, Mr. Jackson, I didn't mean to be rude by not listening earlier, I was just...distracted," Annabeth quickly said. Professor Jackson paused at grading his papers, ever so slowly his eyes found hers, but she could've sworn she saw a glint in his eyes as he fixed his gaze on her. She heard the swift click of a ballpoint pen as he put it on the desk and slowly without taking his eyes from hers, he leaned back and she could've sworn on all her books that she saw a teasing look in those sea green eyes of his. "Distracted by what, Miss Chase?" She could hear the smirk in that drawl of his - could've sworn the corner of his lips twitched but it only worsened her blush.

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