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Aemond was alone in his chambers as he waited for the servants to finish running his bathe. He needed to clean himself of dragon. The stench was still strong to the nose after so many years.

His mind was replaying the events from before, whenever he blinked or breathed he could see him. Baelon in the clutches of his brother, or was it the other way around?

Baelon surprises him still, but he's slowly realizing that Baelon is a snake. A clever one. He truly wasn't the boy from his past. It should've made it easier to hate him.

The servants waited patiently for the prince to come out of his trance, they all were used to his mood swings. They all knew it was best to let him come out of it himself.

Aemond looks up and he signals them to leave. He didn't let anyone bathe him, no matter how unfit it seemed for a prince. He hated that title, he was no prince. He wished for a battle, for something to raise his pulse. But his mother kept him sheltered and in her sight.

"I didn't expect to see you alone, I assumed you would have a girl or two braiding that lovely hair of yours." A voice speaks, startling Aemond out of his thoughts.

Baelon crept past the door, softly closing it.

Aemond watches him, surprised. He didn't expect to see him so soon and in his room. He didn't think Baelon to be so bold. "You are truly a marvel, not mere minutes were you eating at the face of my brother and now you're here." Aemond scoffs, making Baelon laugh, amused.

"Your brilliant Aemond, eating at his face? Is that how you saw it? I don't blame you uncle, it was a rather intimate moment, but nothing compared to what I shared with you." Baelon teases, coming closer, step by step.

Aemond watches him, aching for a sword. "Cat got your tongue? What? You don't have any other funny words to say to me? Aww my poor brave uncle, all scared because of his dear old nephew." Baelon teases

Aemond swallows down his anger, stopping himself from lunging. He couldn't hurt him, he couldn't go that far, not like yesterday. Baelon turns to the showers, where his bathe is set. "Your water will cool if you don't enter it now." Baelon whispers

"What is it that you want? Why are you so intent on bothering me? Shouldn't it be I who is seeking after you, especially after the last two days? Your brother took my eye and instead of apologizing, you are here tormenting me? I find it hilarious how ridiculous this is?" Aemond sneers

Baelon was amused with the shade of red Aemond turned. "I apologize, uncle, it isn't my intention to bother you so. It's just, after so many years on that battlefield, with nothing to desire other than all those sweaty old men. I've come to realize how fit you truly are." Baelon teases

Aemond reaches over grabs a letter opener and throws it, watching as it flies past Baelon's head and into the wall behind him. But Baelon didn't so much as flinch, even as his ear reddened from the small cut he produced.

"I believe I said something to upset you?" Baelon says plainly.

"I will throw just about everything in this room if you don't leave." Aemond orders

Baelon smirks darkly, raking his eyes up and down Aemond's form. "What happened to the formidable warrior in that training yard? I want to face that man. He knows how to take insults, and how to handle a man. I am greatly disappointed." Baelon states, titling his head, his white strand of hair falling along his brow.

Aemond marches forward and he grabs the front of Baelon's shirt, slamming him beside the letter opener embedded in the wall. "Careful." Aemond hisses

Baelon's eyes lower to Aemond's lips. "Better." Baelon teases

Aemond hated how easily his composure had snapped, he hated Baelon. "What are you doing Baelon." Aemond whispers

Baelon raises his chin, "I just want you to notice me." Baelon whispers

Aemond stares in silence, shock written along his face.



Okay....I might've strayed a little. I don't know what I'm doing guys. Character personalities aren't my best suit. I feel like I'm doing okay with Baelon but with Aemond it's a completely different story. I don't know, I feel like I'm making him a bottom in this relationship when he's not, lol.

But Baelon is too much of a top, haha.

I know, what am I doing lol, especially with Aegon, but come on, this is a slow-burn book. Sibling drama is where I thrive. I'm sorry for the insults towards Helaena and Arianne, but I need to assify Baelon, that's not a word lol. Baelon can't show he cares for Helaena to protect her. And he needs to manipulate Aegon as much as possible.

And yes I mentioned Daeron, but I have no idea how I'm introducing him. So please bare with me ahahah, I have no idea what I'm doing!!!

Also, leave a comment on who's more of a bottom. Cause I'm leaning to Baelon.

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