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The Black Queen

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The Black Queen

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On the bridge leading to Dragonstone. Daemon, Baelon, and Reckon lead the gallant of men. They march down the bridge with three of their Kingsguard knights, and a detachment of Dragonstone's garrison.

They intercept the Greens' negotiation party, headed by Ser Otto Hightower, accompanied by Ser Arryk Cargyll, Grand Maester Orwyle, and several of his own guards.

Baelon lifts his chin, glaring darkly. Otto meets his gaze with his own glare of hatred. It was no secret the two hated one another. "I come at the behest of the Dowager Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon, Second of His Name, Lord and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. I've been directed to deliver her message only to Princess Rhaenyra." Otto states

Baelon sneers at the mention of the usurper, his hand coming down to the sword attached to his hip. His fingers itched to pull it out and cut down the traitor. Daemon meets his gaze briefly, his own hands-on Dark sister. The two thought a lot alike.

Otto looks around for the princess. "Where is the Princess?" Otto asks

Suddenly the sound of Syrax screeching fills the air, Otto and his men look for said dragon. Soon Syrax's shadow fills the skies, her large wings batting harshly against the wind. Rhaenyra sat gracefully on her back.

The queen lands her dragon behind Otto's men, a silent threat as the ground rumbled harshly underneath their feet. She steps off her dragon with her head held up high, peering down at them like a bunch of insects.

She walks through the group of men, her crown glinting against the setting sun.

Rhaenyra stands beside her husband, turning to face Otto, her eyes hard, briefly falling to the pin on his coat.

"Princess Rhaenyra." Otto states with a small nod. Rhaenyra's upper lip lifts into a small sneer. "I'm Queen Rhaenyra now. And you all are traitors to the realm." Rhaenyra states, looking towards the opposing men.

"King Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name... in his wisdom and desire for peace, is offering terms." Otto starts, Daemon looks at his wife with a scoff.

"Acknowledge Aegon as king and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne. In exchange, His Grace will confirm your possession of Dragonstone. It will pass to your trueborn son, Baelon, upon your death. Jacaerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to Driftmark and all the lands and holdings of House Velaryon. Lucerys will have a chance to become a knight under the guidance of Prince Aemond. Your sons by Prince Daemon will also be given places of high honor at court: Aegon the Younger as the King's squire, Viserys as his cupbearer. Finally, the King, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his ascent." Otto says

Reckon eyes the side of Baelon's face, he feared the look in his eyes. He only saw that look in battle.

"I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, usurper cunt of a king." Daemon sneers, his face calm and collected, but his eyes hold the fury of thousands of knights.

Otto smirks, "Aegon Targaryen sits on the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror's crown, wields the Conqueror's sword, and has the Conqueror's name. He was anointed by a septon of the Faith before the eyes of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him. And then there is Stark, Tully, and Baratheon. Houses that have also received, and are at present, considering generous terms from their king." Otto says

This old man truly believes he can lie to their faces, they all know the truth, and they have no one yet, not Stark or Tully. Baelon was amused.

"Stark, Tully, and Baratheon all swore to me when King Viserys named me his heir." Rhaenyra says

Otto slowly steps forward. "Stale oaths will not put you on the Iron Throne, Princess." Otto says, slowly Rhaenyras knights move forward just by an inch, ready to protect their queen. "The succession changed the day your father sired a son. I only regret that you and he were the last to see the truth of it." Otto says

Finally, Rhaenyra moves forward, grabbing the pin off of Otto's jacket, and unclipping it before throwing it off to sea. "You are no more Hand than Aegon is king. Fucking traitor." She grits out, anger fueling her words.

Tension filled the air, knights from both sides were ready for battle. Otto turns back to his men, "Grand Maester." Otto calls forward.

Orwyle steps forward and hands Otto a sheaf of parchment. "What the fuck is this?" Daemon asks

Otto hands her the paper, watching as the Queen unravels it, revealing a sentiment of their youth. It was a page torn from Ten Thousand Ships, a book that she and Alicent read when they were girls in the Red Keep's godswood twenty years ago.

"Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for each other. No blood need be spilled, so the realm can carry on in peace." Otto says, taking in her face, watching as she struggles with emotions.

Rhaenyra breathes harshly as she struggles to hold back tears. "Queen Alicent eagerly awaits your answer." Otto says, only to be interrupted by Baelon. "She can have her answer now, stuffed in her father's mouth along with his withered cock." Baelon sneers

A tear rolls down his mother's face, "Let's end this mummer's farce. Ser Erryk, bring me Lord Hightower so I may take the pleasure myself." Baelon states, taking out his sword, only for the opposing men to do the same, his own men follow.

Reckon steps forward, ready to defend.

Syrax roars wildly batting her wings. Rhaenyra takes her in before speaking. "No." She orders, she turns to Otto. "King's Landing will have my answer on the morrow." Rhaenyra says

Otto stares smugly before he watches Rhaenyra leave.


Rhaenyra and her advisors gather around the painted table later that evening. Baelon stood at the other end, facing his mother.

"It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have. The simple truth is this: we have more dragons than Aegon." Daemons says

"Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories. I know them well. When dragons flew to war... everything burned." Rhaenyra reminds, her eyes lowered to the table. "I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone." Rhaenyra says

"Are you considering the Hightowers' terms, Your Grace?" Bartimos asks, confused and conflicted, like everyone else in this room.

Finally, she lifts her gaze. "As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos? Ensuring peace and unity? Or that I sit on the Iron Throne, no matter the cost?" Rhaenyra asks

"That's your father talking." Daemon scoffs, walking around the table. Rhaenyra follows him with her gaze. "My father's dead." Rhaenyra reminds "And he chose me as his successor... to defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war." Rhaenyra says as Daemon makes his way to the furnace.

"Well, the enemy has declared war. What are you gonna do about it?" Daemon exclaims, turning to face her.

Rhaenyra grits her teeth in anger, she doesn't need him undermining her every word. "Clear the room." She orders

Baelon was the last to leave the room, watching his mother approach Daemon. She held a deep sadness with each step, he understood, but he didn't have time for empathy, not when war was calling.

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