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Warning: hehehe

Warning: hehehe

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Baelon's Chambers.

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Baelon woke up to someone attending to him, gently patting his forehead with a nice cold rag. He opens his eyes and he meets his mother's violet eyes. She looked like a wreck, obviously worried sick.

"Mother." He croaks, his throat dry.

"Baelon." She whispers, pulling the rag away, and gently offering him a glass of water, which he takes gratefully. Rhaenyra watches her son intently, concerned. "How are you feeling my love?" She asks "Like I was run over by a horse." Baelon jokes, but it only worries her further. "I should've never had you come, Kingslanding is stressful as it is, and you made it clear that you didn't want to return." Rhaenyra sighed, she felt like a horrible mother.

Baelon only offers her a smile. "Mother, please, this is not your fault. I've done this all to myself, I haven't exactly been getting much rest and it seems as if my body has offered its warning. I promise I'll get better." Baelon says, gently grabbing her hand.

Rhaenyra sighs, "You are my firstborn son, if anything is to ever happen to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Rhaenyra says. "Don't worry, I'm stronger than I look." Baelon offers softly, making his mother roll her eyes with a smile.

"I know that, but you're still my son, I won't ever not worry." Rhaenyra says


Baelon stared up at the ceiling, keeping quiet as he waited for the maesters to leave. They've done their examination, he doesn't understand why they lingered.

Suddenly the bedroom doors open, making him lift his head. It was Aemond. He stood imposing at the entrance, eye dark as it took in the maesters. "Out." He orders

Baelon watched as they all scattered away like mice, fearful of their prince's wrath.

Aemond turns and he meets Baelon's gaze, slowly approaching and kneeling beside his bed, surprising the darker male. "You didn't need to fall off a horse to get my attention, but it's very clever for a Strong, I must admit." Aemond whispers 

Baelon laughs, clutching his stomach, "Even now you insult me." Baelon states fondly, "Oh but you make it so easy." Aemond rasps softly, filled with an emotion neither can decipher.

Baelon could feel a well of emotions build up at his chest, there was some much he wanted to say to Aemond, but the always looming presence of the prophecy haunted the back of his mind.

Aemond's eye takes in Baelon's face, "what is it?" Aemond asks, worried. Baelon shakes his head, lifting a hand, hesitantly cupping Aemond's unscarred cheek.

He really dug himself a hole, falling for someone so forbidden. Aemond slowly leans forward, waiting. Baelon finally closes the distance, their lips meeting passionately.

The softness of the kiss was so unlike the two of them, it was filled with unspoken emotion, one that left them dizzy with want.

Aemond pushes forward, pressing Baelon against his pillow. Baelon drags a hand up and through Aemond's hair, tugging at the strands, making the male hum in pleasure.

Aemond moves his hands away from Baelon and he begins to take off his leather, his shirt was the first to come off, and then his trousers.

Baelon pulls his lips away and he takes in Aemond form, which was meant for battle. He was all lines and muscle, his stomach flexed deliciously. Aemond panted against Baelon's forehead, feeling weirdly exposed.

Baelon gently grabs Aemond's shoulder and he pushes him back so their eyes meet. Aemonds violet eye was completely engulfed by his pupil.

"A little help." Baelon whispers. He couldn't take off his clothes if he had Aemond pressed against him. Soon he has pale hands on his loose-fitted shirt, struggling at the buttons. Finally, he gives up and he rips open his shirt, the buttons fly across the room.

The laugh that was built up was lost when Aemond's bitten red lips pressed themselves against Baelon's throat. Baelon gasps softly, a breathy moan escaping his lips.

Baelon ran his hands down Aemond's back, his nails dragging themselves along his pale skin, creating long marks that had Aemond groaning lowly in his throat.

Soon Aemond lowers his lips, kissing down Baelon's chest, to his navel, and onto his hip. Aemond raises his gaze, meeting Baelon's eyes.

Aemond pushes one of Baelon's legs up, kissing his inner thigh, before engulfing him fully in his mouth. Baelon swears softly and he moans into the back of his hand, his face flushing a bright red.

He watches as Aemond keeps a steady pace, humming around him. Baelon felt all the air leave his lungs, unable to produce a coherent thought, watching Aemond close his eye and hum.

Baelon was slowly losing his mind, his hands weak as he pawed at Aemond's shoulder. Aemond smirks, enjoying the power he held over Baelon. Suddenly Baelon was cumming down Aemonds throat, his lips falling open in a silent moan.

Aemond watches as Baelon's back arches up, his head thrown back, and his mouth open with a harsh pant. It almost had him cumming untouched, but he pulls back, his lips flushed and glistening.

Baelon relaxes and he watches him with hooded eyes, pupils completely dark as they rake down Aemond's form.

With shaky arms, Baelon pushes himself up. Aemond watches him with amusement. "Oh, where did the great warrior go." Aemond teases

Baelon narrows his eyes playfully, "You forget that I was previously unconscious, give me a moment." Baelon snarks, he then pushes Aemond onto his back, straddling his lap, startling the blond.

Baelon smirks, placing a hand on Aemond's firm stomach. "Careful with what you wish for." Baelon whispers, he lifts himself and sinks onto Aemond, making them both moan.

Aemond watches with dark eyes as Baelon takes complete control, his hips steadily moving up and down. Pleasure filled every inch of them. The room grew hot with their desire and need.

Aemond seemed to snap and he grabbed hold of Baelon's hips and took control, moving him harshly back and forth. Baelon gasps, his lips falling open, as his eyes flutter closed, his chin falling to his chest as he falls forward. Baelon's hands hold onto Aemond's shoulders, letting the said prince take control of his pleasure.

"Your filthy Baelon, you completely ruined me for anyone even remotely respectable." Aemond pants, his chest rising and falling harshly, sweat building at his brow.

Baelon looks up and he meets Aemond's only eye, wishing that he would take off the eyepatch so he can see what was underneath. But he held back, straightening his spine, watching with hooded eyes as Aemond came undone.

"And you've ruined me all those years ago, imagine how I felt when no one's touch can satisfy me, even without knowing how yours felt. You made me miss a ghost." Baelon swears harshly, his legs trembling as he cums. Aemond watches in silence, entranced.



Hehe, was it good?

Well, this afterglow won't last for long.

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