Chapter 2 | The business dinner.

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The moment we reached home, I rushed inside and jumped into Julius's awaiting arms, smiling from ear to ear

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The moment we reached home, I rushed inside and jumped into Julius's awaiting arms, smiling from ear to ear. I think my smile was extremely contagious because mom, dad, Arman, and Gen all started smiling at us.

I quickly pulled myself back from the hug, and went around greeting and embracing everybody else. Taking a deep breath in, I grinned. It was so fucking good to be back home with the people I love the most. Just as dad suggested that we sit down and chat for a while, Gen and mom both pulled me up to my room, saying they needed to get me dressed for dinner.

"Mom," I groaned, "M' tired. Why I can't I just attend dinner in what I'm wearing?" I mean I wasn't wearing anything informal, quite the opposite. I was dressed sharply in a baby pink blazer, tightly fitted pants and a white bralette which was covered because my blazer was buttoned.

I just needed to wash my face and reapply make-up and redo my hair and I think I would be good to go for a business dinner. "Darling, these people are extremely important, and so I think you should wear something err... more girly." Oh my god, what the hell was up with my family?

Especially my mother. I mean she was never the one for too girly looking clothes and now she's telling me to dress like a girl. I swear my family is possessed or some shit. I'm already calling it. Either way, I silently obeyed my mother and changed into a black jumpsuit dress, which was sheer on the outside with beautiful roses skilfully embroidered on it. I kept my hair their natural loose curls, and just sprayed on some setting spray.

I didn't do much for make-up either. Just a tiny amount of mascara on the ends of my lashes and some glossy, tinted lip-gloss. I also wore the black Louboutin's that Gen had gifted to me, for cracking a difficult deal for business. My family doesn't need reasons to give gifts, if they find something, they will come up with reasons to spend money. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just sometimes these people went too over the top.

I soon rushed downstairs and noticed how Enzo and Julius were matching my outfit by wearing a maroon tie while Gray and Arman had on a green one to match with Gen. All the boys were dressed immaculately, with sharp grey or black suits, polished shoes, and matching cufflinks. Their hair also seemed gelled, except for Arman and Enzo. I figured it was probably because of how many times they ran their hands in their hair.

I also noticed mom and dad matching, and they honestly looked regal and like the perfect power couple. If there was anything I wished for, then it would be a love story like theirs. It was perfect, the amount of love and trust they had for each other. Dad was complementing me when our butler, Mr James informed us that the Santos had arrived.

Mom and dad wanted us to greet them at the door, and so that was what we did. "Alessia, darling. How have you been?" Mrs Santos brought mom in a polite hug, while dad and Mr Santos simply shook hands and side hugged one other.

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