Chapter 17 | You Give Me Butterflies.

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I knew it very well that Apollo was mad. From the way he was harshly breathing to how he kept on clenching and unclenching his hand. Yet, after all that anger, he was still very gentle with me, making sure to not press hard. "Apollo I a-."

He looked up at me once, threateningly, making me close my mouth, while he continued to apply the cooling gel on my knees. The moment he got done, he left the bathroom without saying a word to me. I could see the old Apollo resurfacing and I had to do something.  I jumped off the counter, making me groan out in pain, and not even five seconds later, Apollo was by my side again.

"Don't ignore me. I didn't know I was going to fall." I mumbled quietly, not meeting Apollo's angry eyes.

He scoffed, grabbing my jaw and tilting my head up so I would look at him. "Was it really that important for you to beat me in the fucking race?" He asked in his quiet husky voice, involuntarily making shivers run down my body. I simply nodded, feeling my throat dry up at the intensity of his look.

His hold on my jaw tightened while the intensity of his glare increased. "You could have gotten hurt so fucking badly. Better not let there be a next time." He exhaled harshly, clenching his jaw. This time, I couldn't control the butterflies in my stomach from going crazy. He cared for me, even if he had a rough way of showing it. Fuck, it hadn't even been a day since we became friends and now I was starting to catch feelings for my fiance. What the fuck is wrong with me?

This time when he turned to leave, I didn't stop him, keeping my eyes on his retreating back. The moment the door shut again, I limped my way towards the bed before lying down on one side. I began scrolling through my phone when I got a video-call. It was none other than Gen and Julius.

I didn't bother getting up before answering the call and the moment I did, both of them began bombarding me with questions. "Is everything okay? How is Apollo treating you? You still okay getting married to him"

I was overcome with emotions, because even if it was very important for our families, they still cared enough about my feelings and how I was being treated by my fiance. "He's being really good to me." I simply said because I didn't want to worry my family with what had happened two nights ago.

We might've been speaking for an hour until Gen and Julius had to leave, but they both assured me that they would call me again but this time with all my brothers and parents. Once again, having nothing to do I began scrolling through Pinterest, trying to find some inspiration for how I wanted my wedding to look like. That was when I found it, the perfect theme.

Ever since I was a kid, I had loved the whole Tangled theme wedding, and I wished to have a wedding like that myself. I knew it was pretty useless to look for inspiration for how I wanted it because it would already all be planned but yet, I saved multiple posts for the seating arrangements and the stage and the works.

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