Chapter 11 | Green; the colour of jealousy.

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I think no matter how annoyed I am at my family; it all dissipates when I come back to my senses and realize that all they do is out of the love they have for me

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I think no matter how annoyed I am at my family; it all dissipates when I come back to my senses and realize that all they do is out of the love they have for me. Like yes, I had been super mad at Enzo for making decisions for me yet, I understood that he wanted me safe.

That's why I called my brothers before the take-off, just so I could hear their voices and reassure myself that I was safe because they were safe. With that thought in my mind, I pulled out my iPad and began doodling like I normally did. 

I loved drawing and as a kid, my mum had made it a habit to always let me draw whenever we were flying, so as to help me calm down and not panic, and I guess that habit just stuck by even when I am twenty six. I had also plugged in my air-pods to cancel out all the noise around me, especially the sound of Apollo's voice.

Scarlet Isabella Hernandez, you must not get distracted by him. This is only a marriage of convenience and nothing else. He just wants to merge the two families so that he can be more powerful, and you just need that extra safety which would come by marrying him.

This time, instead of the mindless doodle, I decided to sketch people, and I got on with it quickly. By the time I heard the airhostess calling out to me, I had already drawn rough sketches of Enzo, Juli, Gray, and Arman. "Would you like some refreshments? A glass of champagne perhaps?"

I simply nodded, allowing my eyes to finally wander around the aircraft. I could see an airhostess serve Apollo what seemed to be a cup of coffee. The bit that bothered me was how touchy she was being, touching his shoulders and arms, smiling at him flirtatiously.

That was what made me get up from my seat, pop my muscles and walk over to the pair, smiling tightly at the airhostess who was now looking at me. I failed to understand how Apollo was not even looking up from his laptop screen while there were two ladies standing right next to him.

Either way, I pushed his laptop bag on the floor, and carefully placed myself next to him on the leather couch, finally breaking his focus from his work. He flitted his eyes to his laptop bag that was now slouching on the floor, before staring at me, as he dismissed the airhostess. At his action, I couldn't help the victorious smile that lodged at my lips.

"You needed something?" Apollo rasped, his voice cracking a little from not being used for the past five hours now. I shook my head, scooting away and putting the much needed distance between us now that the airhostess was gone. Sitting next to Apollo was like sitting next to a personal heater, a stark contrast from the cool air of the flight.

That made me wonder. Why the hell did I get jealous when the airhostess was flirting with Apollo? It wasn't like we even liked each other, yet I felt the odd need to be more possessive and protective. "I don't know." I shrugged, "Do I?"

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