Chapter 1 | Landing in Miami.

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"Fucking Lorenzo, and his stupid fucking rules

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"Fucking Lorenzo, and his stupid fucking rules." I grumbled. I was this close to losing all my cool, whipping out my gun and shooting all those bitches. Who the fuck were they to think that women can't run business.

I leaned back in my swively chair and put the back of my hand on my already closed eyes, thinking about the meeting that I walked out of a few minutes ago. I could hear faint opening melody of Taylor Swift's 'Midnight Rain' playing in the background, as I heard my phone ring.

Without looking at who was calling, I answered the phone and put it on speaker, "Scarlet Hernandez speaking." I waited for the person to respond, but I could only hear distant sounds of guns firing and yelling. I quickly rushed back to my phone to see that it was only my brother calling, and I figured he was on another mission for dad.

"What do you want Enzo? I am busy." I groaned. I was exhausted both mentally and physically to kill people so if Lorenzo wanted help, then he was out of luck.

"Bella, call for backup in Area 19, and ring up mom. Tell her I'll be late for the dinner with the Santos."

"Wait, who are the Santos?" He cut the call without answering, and I huffed in annoyance. Just because I was in Dubai for a month, it did not mean that my family could keep me off the loop. Don't get me wrong, I love my chaotic, and disorganised family of basically psychopaths to death, but sometimes, I felt I was overly babied and pampered. The reason being that I was the only girl.

This was especially true for my father, the great Ace Hernandez, whom everybody feared and respected. I quickly scrolled though my contacts and called mom. She picked up on the second ring, "Hi baby. How are you?"

"I am fine mom but-." The voice of my youngest brother cut me off.

"What time is your flight home?" Said Armani, who was six years younger than Enzo and me.

"I don't know Arman, but I will most likely be home by five." I hummed, going through the paperwork from my last meeting that my personal assistant had mailed. I also found the page of contract, and quickly skimmed through the conditions before signing it and sealing the deal.

Although those old men where dumb as fuck, they had a good deal, which would profit our business very much. I heard some shuffling on the call before my mother Alessia, once again spoke, "Come home soon baby. Did you talk to Enzo?"

"Yeah, he told me to tell you that he will be late for the dinner with the Santos. Who even are these Santos people?" I questioned mom, but she only laughed nervously before handing over the phone to Julius, another one of my brothers who was two years younger than me.

"Hi Isa." He greeted.

"Juli, how are you?" From all my brothers, I could easily say that I am the closet to Julius, if we are not counting my twin. I mean obviously Enzo and I are attached to the hip, but when Enzo is not available, then Julius is my go to person.

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