Chapter 13 | Me quiero ir.

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I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I did certainly wake up in a much better mood

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I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I did certainly wake up in a much better mood. It's almost as though my body had re-set itself and my brain had altered my memories so that I could forget how hurt I was. Whatever it was, I felt much better, both physically and emotionally. Whatever it was, I was in a brighter headspace.

I finished with my business in the bathroom and skipped outside to the kitchen, an extra jump on each step I took. I couldn't find Nick, but I did certainly find his younger sister sitting very peacefully, typing at a lightning pace on her laptop.

Plopping myself on the high stool next to her, I poked her arm until she stopped working to look at me. Caroline was two years younger than me, and when we were younger, we used to be best buddies but we slowly drifted apart. It wasn't until three years ago that we reconnected and it felt good to talk to her again. "What are you working on?"

"Nothing, just handling the books because Nick refuses to do it. How've you been? I didn't see you when you came last night."

"Oh, I could be doing better but eh. Last night was really not one of my best moments but I was hoping for a you and me walk on the beach. That would make me feel loads better." 

"It's raining." She reasoned, shifting her eyes to the window, where I could clearly see the heavy downpour myself. But I was persistent because these walks with her had always helped me clear my head, no matter how bad the situation was.

"That's never stopped us, has it?" Caroline finally gave in, shutting her laptop and getting up, and I couldn't help but let out an excited squeal. Although many people hated the rain because they thought it was messy, I always found an odd kind of solace in it. Like no matter what, even the sky would have a few bad days and would unleash all its anger and frustration on this world in the form of sparkly droplets. Sometimes it would come down all very fast and hard, but the other times it would be a peaceful pitter-patter.

We decided we would meet in the foyer in fifteen minutes and so I rushed back to my room to put on my boots and my windcheater. I also washed my face again and put on some lotion before stepping out. That was when I saw Apollo in my room for the second time, without my permission. Without looking him in the eye, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

He very expertly dodged my question before raking his eyes up and down, "Where are you going dressed like that?"

"And that concerns you how?" I took a step back, turning on my heel, ready to walk away because I'd rather not play this game again.

Grabbing my arms roughly, he turned me around, "Don't fucking turn you back at me."

I snatched my hand back, "Do not cross your limits Apollo, because I will not fucking hesitate in shooting you. I am fucking done with this... this bullshit hot and cold game. One minute, you act like you want to kiss me and then the next minute I simply become a business deal to you."

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