Chapter 7 | Emotional calls.

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I was watching from the bar as Enzo perfectly made a cocktail for Mariano and poured me a glass of whiskey, mixing in the right amount of Cola in it too

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I was watching from the bar as Enzo perfectly made a cocktail for Mariano and poured me a glass of whiskey, mixing in the right amount of Cola in it too. "Where did you learn to do that?" I finally asked him who just shrugged, shaking up the mixture quickly.

Once it was all done, he pulled out a frosted glass from under the bar counter before doing some fancy trick with the mixer and the glass. He finally poured it in the glass, filling the glass up to the right amount. God. If this mafia business didn't work out for him, then he could make good money with bartending and all his fancy tricks.

He finally sat down, nursing his own glass of what looked to be wine. "Didn't know you were a wine type of guy." I nodded.

He shook his head, "I'm not." Just then Mariano's phone went off, and he got up, leaving both of us in silence. I mean, I didn't really mind it that much, because other than that mission in Zurich we had met in other mafia galas and a workshop too.

Lorenzo Hernandez, much like his father was honest and trustworthy, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fuck you over. He is the absolute worst when it comes to his mother and sister. From all that I heard about him, he was ruthless and unforgiving, and often acted on his anger without hesitation. But he wasn't reckless. He fucked with people mentally, like me, but he was one heck of a fighter too.

Even in the business world, him and his twin were extremely influential people. Both being intelligent and taking over and expanding their family business at a young age earned them respect and admiration from many. But on the flip side, they also made quite a few people with egos as big as Russia their enemies.

"Listen, you are a cool guy and all and as much as I admire you, you better not fuck things up with-" He didn't complete what he was saying, because his loud phone call interrupted him, but I had a hunch about what he was going to say. 'I better not fuck things up with his sister.'

Although Lorenzo had mastered the poker face, his eyes gave away everything one needed to know. It was also because he had put his walls down slightly because whatever the person was saying on the phone was making him angry. "I'll be there." With that, he tipped his wine glass forward, chugging the whole thing in a single go, as he got up.

Grabbing his suit jacket using his pointer finger, he turned towards me, "Our warehouses are attacked and both our mafia's systems are being hacked." I wonder how this man said all of this being so calm and composed.

I got up from my place, buttoning up my suit jacket before following him into the garage. Enzo suggested that it would be better if we took his car, and so both of us got seated as he occupied the driving seat. The warehouse was an hour away and even after speeding, knowing the Miami traffic, especially at this hour, we knew we wouldn't be able to reach in time to stop the damage.

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