Chapter 15 | I'd never walk Cornelia Street again.

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It was really endearing to see Apollo give sight-seeing a chance

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It was really endearing to see Apollo give sight-seeing a chance. Just for me. I didn't want to accept that, because this was a marriage of convenience after all. And it would do me a lot of damage to start harbouring feelings for a man that I was supposed to marry.

Besides, the most ironic thing was that I was taking my future husband to a place where I was heartbroken for the very first time. Only this time, with my future husband, I hoped that he wouldn't break my heart too badly. That he would be a little merciful. We reached town square, and I dragged him to a small café where Enzo and I would while our time away.

We sat down outside, Apollo looking through the menu but I already knew what I was going to order. This was, after all, my favourite place to eat at. "Hi, what would you both like to order?" A young waitress asked, ready to write it down. I gave my order first, before looking at Apollo.

"I'll have the same as her." He said gruffly, not bothering to look at the girl. "Thank you." I added once she was done writing, and she flashed me a little smile before going off into the kitchen.

"Come on. I am sure you didn't have to be so rude to her." I told him, trying to start a conversation, but he simply shrugged before diverting his eyes to the plethora of messages that he was getting on his phone. "Apollo." I tried again, and this time he finally left his phone to look at me, and the moment he saw the unpleasant expression on my face, he flipped the phone onto its front so that he wouldn't see the messages.

"What do you want to do next, after eating?" He asked me, slightly raising his hands in surrender. I turned my head to look at the wonderful scenery outside before coming to a decision which I knew would hurt me.

"Let's just walk around. It's all very beautiful." If he saw even that slight hesitation on my face, or the way my voice wavered a little at the end, he didn't show it, choosing to instead dig into his meal.

Immediately after the first bite, he said, "This is pretty amazing. I can see now why you like this restaurant so much." He gave me a half grin but at least this time I didn't have to prod him to talk to me. I knew why he was being like this, but Apollo needed to understand that he couldn't be territorial over me about every damn thing. Especially since I was introducing him to my cousin's boyfriend.

The moment we were done eating, I paid the bill with a lot of arguments from my fiancé, but I reminded him that I was taking him out, so I paid for everything. We left the café and began walking down the lane. I let my eyes roam these streets that I would spend most of my time three years ago, all the spots I used to go with... My thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when Apollo spoke, "You keep looking at those steps. Would you like to go up there so you can show me what's so special about that nook that you have been eyeing longingly for the past two minutes."

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