Chapter 9 | My dickhead twin.

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"Are the shipments fine?" Enzo was back into his business mode

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"Are the shipments fine?" Enzo was back into his business mode. Sometimes, I failed to understand my own twin because of how quickly he changed his personality. One moment, he would be that loving family man, and the next, he would be the feared mafia boss.

I so badly wanted to say I hated it, but sometimes, this harshness was needed, especially in our professions. "Everything is fine, the people surprising didn't do damage to any of our containers. They just wrecked up the place. Badly." Gray cringed slightly.

Enzo massaged his forehead and after a few minutes he said, "Brandon's down. He's in the other wing if you-" I didn't even let him finish, hugging Gray, Enzo and even shockingly Apollo, I rushed out of the office, and into the medical bay.

Brandon was our cousin from mom's side, more specifically Uncle Vince's son. He was the oldest, being 30, followed by Enzo and me. The medical bay was on the other side of our large warehouse and on the way, I met a few of my friends too.

"Little Scar!" Mark smiled as he saw, immediately pulling me in a headlock. "Tap out Scar, tap out." We both playfully struggled for a little before I accepted defeat and mockingly tapped out.

"How have you been?" I asked him with a smile on my face. He was just exactly as I remembered; the long scar running from his eye to his jaw, bright blue, twinkling eyes, messy, ruffled up brown hair, and his sturdy stature.

"I've been good. You don't look too bad yourself." I hummed, continuing my way towards the medical room. He too was following me, as we caught up on all that has been happening in the past six months. He used to be my personal bodyguard, but then my father appointed somebody else for me, while he began training with Uncle Drake.

Since then, he is our mafia's best sniper and assassin, after Enzo of course. Just before entering the medical bay, where Brandon was, Mark held my hand and pulled me back slightly, "Just so you are prepared, he is a little um... bruised." He paused for a second, before continuing, "He's patched up, but you might not like what you see." 

I nodded, and softly opened the door and gasped loudly. Oh fuck. Other than having a black eye, Brandon had multiple little cuts and bruises all over his face. He had his arm in a sling too because the bone was broken. His t-shirt was burnt and shredded, giving me a peak of his scarred chest. They too had multiple burn marks. His head was matted with sweat and blood because of his head injury. But yet, upon seeing me, he had one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen.

Apollo has a beautiful smile. You just don't want to admit it.

Arhg, shut up. Great. Now, I was arguing with my conscious. I shook my head a little, hoping to get rid of all these stupid thoughts before walking over to him. "You look like shit." Was the first thing I told him while hugging him tightly.

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