Chapter 18 | The Proposal.

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The waiter finally arrived once again with our dessert and I was almost jumping in my seat

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The waiter finally arrived once again with our dessert and I was almost jumping in my seat. I got my love for tiramisu from my mother. The moment the waiter placed it on the table in front of us, Apollo pushed the dish closer to me, and I didn't hesitate in digging in and taking a huge first bite. I almost moaned because of how good it tasted and scooping a second bite, I pushed it towards Apollo who was staring at me with a clenched jaw.

After glaring at the spoon for a few seconds, he finally opened his mouth and ate it. "You like?" I repeated his words from earlier and he gave me a bright smile, almost making my heart stop. This was the first time he smiled at me and gosh, did he look gorgeous.

Just like that, I fed him and myself and the moment we got done, Apollo stood up. He came closer to me before extending his hand out. "Care to dance?" He asked me and I couldn't say no. Placing my phone and bag to the side, I stepped up and he immediately grabbed my hands and guided them towards his neck before placing his on my waist.

Because his skin directly touched mine, I felt goosebumps all over my body and I hoped he didn't notice them. He swayed around, none of us speaking, just simply enjoying each other's company. After a while, he pulled me closer and leaned down a little so that I could have a better hold around his neck.

He finally pulled away and got down on his knee in front of me, making me put my hands on my mouth to hide the shock. "I know we have to get married to each other, but I still wanted to give you the perfect proposal. I know we are getting to know each other, but I hope to be the one you always come to. I hope to be the one you can always rely on. I hope I can keep you happy and smiling like this forever and I will do anything in my power to keep my promise. Will you marry me, love?" He smiled slightly and I could feel tears slide down my cheeks.

I nodded once, still speechless and in a daze, before finally saying, "YES." He got off from his knee, before grabbing my hand and sliding a ring onto my ring finger. The moment he was done he kissed that ring gently and pulled me into a hug. He broke the hug after a few seconds and wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Okay?" He asked softly and I nodded once again before we both left. Once again he sat me down in the car and ensured that I was good before going over to his seat. Fifteen minutes into the drive and I got a call from Enzo just like Gen and Julius had promised me earlier.

"Hi, doll. You doing okay?" Enzo's voice rang out throughout the car.

"I'm great." I couldn't stop the smile from leaving my face. Just three days ago I thought I wouldn't get my fairytale life and here I was, grinning from ear to ear stupidly.

"Where are you?" Arman asked, pushing his head into the frame.

"I'm getting home from dinner." I said, trying to keep the excitement from my voice as I thought back on what just happened not even an hour ago.

"Apollo's there with you?" Enzo asked seriously, with worry visible on his face at the prospect of me being alone at night, and I turned my phone in Apollo's direction. Apollo's eyes didn't stray away from the road but he nodded his head once in acknowledgement towards my brothers and Gen.

"Give the phone to Gen please." I told my twin and he complied and the moment Gen's face was visible, I raised my hand, showing her my ring finger.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD. I DON'T BELIEVE IT." She shouted over the phone, making Apollo also turn his head in the direction of the loud sound. When he saw what she was shouting at he smirked and shook his head lightly. The phone was soon passed between all my brothers and while they all congratulated me, their frowns and glares were still present.

"Doll, can Apollo hear us?" Enzo took the phone back, his glare prominent, and I nodded slightly.

"Listen here. I know both of you have to get married but one tear from Bella's eyes and that's it. Alright?" Enzo threatened and Apollo bowed down his head mockingly.

"Anything else, your Majesty?" He mocked, making me laugh out loud at my twin's annoyed face. Apollo turned to me with amusement in his eyes and blushed instantly. Apollo then nodded towards the phone in my hand and I noticed how all my brothers had gone quiet, simply staring at my face while I was looking at Apollo.

I cleared my throat, "I'll call you guys tomorrow, yeah?" I asked, a hopeful look in my eyes and Enzo smiled and wished me night before ending the call. I place my phone next to Apollo's under the dashboard before glancing out at the moving world around me. I was overcome with this sense of safety and serenity that was very hard to find in the world I lived in, yet Apollo's presence provided me with that.

It wasn't like I had developed any feelings for him just because of his proposal but I could actually see that he was trying, and he was trying really fucking hard. That just made me appreciate him a little more. I could hold my own very well, but to see him step in and marry me for my safety made me really happy. I was just very content in general today, and I hoped that this would stay for a while.

I also raised my hand up a little to look at the ring, and it sparkled brightly back at me. I was in complete awe with the design and the cut of the diamond and just everything. It was exactly how I had imagined my engagement ring to look like. There were two crisscross bands of diamonds and on the third band was a big solitaire with tiny diamonds surrounding it.

We reached home quite late because of the traffic and I am so sure Apollo took three detours. I was glad that he did though, because I didn't want this night to end. It still felt like a really good dream and I was afraid I would wake up and nothing would have changed between me and Apollo. We would still be fighting with each other while I would wish for all of it to be over.

He didn't speak much even after reaching home but his company was enough for me. "I hope to be the friend you fall in love with." He whispered it so lowly that I almost missed it. My eyes widened animatedly because of what he said but I didn't ask him to repeat. He got out of the car and came to my side. He helped me out of the car and both of us made our way inside.

He guided me to my room silently and just as he was about to close my door for me, I grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Really, thank you for everything you have done for me. You don't need to, but you did." I smiled at him, before wrapping my arms around his neck and trapping him in a hug. He hesitated but wrapped his large arms around my waist, and I know it wasn't intentional but each time he hugged me, it ended up being a bear hug because of how huge he was.

With that thought, I broke away from the hug after a minute and wished a good night before shutting my door and walking over to my walk-in closet to change for bed. I was dressed into a pair of shorts and Enzo's t-shirt which basically drowned me and came to my mid-thigh hiding my shorts. Next I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before bed.

"I hope that he is the friend that I fall in love with." I wasn't a religious person, but I hoped for this to come true. My last thought before losing myself to sleep was how beautiful his smile was and how I'd do anything to keep him happy, even if that meant I had to lay down my life. He had become family.

"Enzo likes him, Julius likes him, Gray and Arman also like him. I am so sure that if you had been here, you would've liked him too." I mumbled in the dark, a tear escaping my eye at the thought of him.

"I always wanted you and Enzo to send me off to my marriage," I continued, "But it's fine. Wherever you are, I only hope that you are safe and happy." I kissed my engagement ring for the last time, just like Apollo had done before dozing off.

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Happy Reading

~Ariana and Rhys

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