Chapter 10 | One iced latte and a cheesecake.

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Everything about Bella drove me insane. From the way she held herself in a room full of people, to the way she acted when she was alone with me. I could almost see how much I affected her just by simply standing so close to her.

I think our proximity provoked her to ask me about the weather, and I could spot just how much it embarrassed her. "I umm.. Are your bags packed?" She finally asked me after recovering. She looked so unsure and almost weary about even having to speak to me, which made me frown slightly.

It was unbecoming of how timid she was in front of me, compared to her regular self, who boldly closed business deals and fearlessly assassinated people. I didn't like it even one bit, but I think that would be a conversation for another day.

"Yes." One syllable. I didn't trust myself enough to speak in front of her anymore that what I required. Bella was a perfect everything, and she was also a perfect distraction, distracting me from everything I've worked so hard towards.

She nodded hesitantly once again, and I took that as my cue to leave. This woman was consuming my every thought without even trying to, and I had to leave while I was still sane. "WAIT." I paused in my position but didn't turn around to face her. "I mean, I thought we could go grab matcha before our flight. Shit no, I'm sorry for stepping out of the line," Her voice lowered in decibels till became inaudible murmurs.

I clenched my jaw tightly before turning around a little, "Sure." I gritted the words out as if they were poison. I had a meeting to attend before our flight, but apparently, I didn't anymore. Now, I would be getting matcha with my soon to be wife, instead of making a hundred thousand dollar deal. Lovely.

I all but rushed out of the room, and into the guest room where I was currently residing in. I was met with my black suitcase and my laptop bag that I practically took with me everywhere. I walked further into my room, towards my closet to just fix my hair a little when I caught my reflection in the mirror.

Tousled hair, large undereye circles and lips pressed in a firm line. My shirt was slightly wrinkled now that I didn't have my blazer covering it, but otherwise I looked exactly like how I did when I left my room this morning for the numerous meetings that I had lined for throughout the day.

The loud ring of the phone dragged me out of my reverie.

"Scar has been waiting for you for the past ten minutes so if you are not down in the next few seconds, Enzo is going to seriously rupture a nerve and drag you down."

"Coming." Was my only answer as I hung up on Mariano and walked out of my room and down the stairs. I could see Bella hugging her brothers and saying something to each of them, but she outrightly ignored Enzo. I could also see the look of hurt he was sporting and grumbled something inaudible. God, what a wuss.

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