Chapter 5 | The golden glow.

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"Please no. Don't leave me. You promised." I woke up with a start, my throat all dry and scratchy, I also felt my cheeks were wet. Bringing up my hand to my face, I noticed they were my tears. Fuck. I really needed these dreams to stop. I was doing so good in the middle, no meds, no nightmares, no intrusive thoughts. I figured I won't be able to go back to sleep, so I put on my slippers, and quietly walked out of my room.

I was dressed in some Victoria Secret shorts and a hoodie which was probably Arman's that I had stolen. Even though I was the older one, Julius, Gray and Arman all looked older than me. They acted like that too sometimes. It annoyed me, but I could understand that their overprotective behaviours came from a place of love and care.

I quietly passed by my brothers rooms and stopped right outside Enzo's. I contemplated hard, whether or not to wake him up, but decided against it and continued my way to the kitchen. It wasn't too late also, only 4.30, and so I figured I could make breakfast today.

Either way, most of my brothers would wake by at around 5 or 5.30 to go to the gym and mom and dad too would wake up at 6, so I could keep the breakfast ready by then. As I reached the kitchen, I heard the sound of the pantry door opening, making my eyes narrow in suspicion. Who the fuck was in my house at this ungodly hour?

I quickly took out a gun from the holder under the counter and shot at the intruder, in total darkness. Thank God the silencer was on, otherwise I would've woken up the whole house. I heard a panicked yelp and the lights being turned on. This time, I swung the body of the gun on the intruders head and then body flipped him to the ground.

"Jesus fuck women." Mariano groaned, rudely pushing me off him and sitting up slightly to rub his now sore back. I guilty looked at him but couldn't stop the laugher that bubbled out of my throat.

"OH GOD." I wheezed, falling down on my knees next to his groaning and moaning body. "Why the fuck -hahahah- what the fuck would you- hahahah- oh my god!" I sucked in a sharp breath, "eat Oreos in my house, at 4.30 in the morning." I could even speak in proper sentences, that is how hard I was laughing, while Mariano was giving me unamused looks. I snorted loudly, and at this point, I didn't care who was sleeping, this shit was funny as fuck.

As Mariano and I were in a staring constant, with me cracking up multiple times, I heard a throat clear behind us. Both of us turned our heads around to see Enzo and Apollo standing in front of us, looking bored out of their minds, but I could see hints of smiles on their faces by the way their lips turned up slightly. "Bella, it is literally only 4.30. Emphasis on only." Enzo deadpanned, and then he turned his attention to Mariano, "And why are you in my house, before even the crack of dawn, eating Oreos on the kitchen floor."

Mariano got up, like the little diva he is, dusted the invisible dust from his clothes and flipped his imaginary hair before sassily replying, "What is it to you? I do as I please." This once again got me to crack my, and this time, tears were pouring out of my eyes, and my face was flushed.

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