Chapter 3 | The green eyed beauty.

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(A few hours before the dinner with the Hernandez family

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(A few hours before the dinner with the Hernandez family.)

I lit up my cigarette, inhaling a long puff before shutting my eyes and blowing it all out. I did that four more times before finally getting in my car, and driving myself to the club I opened just a week ago. I could see the large 'Euphoria' sign at the entrance, while people were slowly forming a line outside, showing their id's to the bouncer.

I immediately walked in, cutting the line, and I could hear the enraged shouts, but it all fell to my deaf ears. I was the fucking owner of the place; I didn't need to wait in some pussy line. Right at the door, I was met with the familiar eyes of my best friend, Mariano Garcia. I simply nodded my head in acknowledgement, before letting my eyes scan the club thoroughly.

The neon lights changed colour and pattern according to the beats playing by the DJ, while the bars were lined with men and women, all waiting on their drinks. The dance floor too was crowed, people dancing, grinding on each other, kissing and what not. I noticed there were no pole dancers today, yet there was a group of ladies, giggling, clumsily turning themselves around. If I had a heart, I would have cared about them getting hurt, but I didn't have one, so I didn't give two fucks about it.

"Where are they?" I asked Mariano, as we both walked towards the VIP section of the bar, where it was obviously less crowded, filled with mostly a much posher crowd of people. This was also better because my ear drums weren't being murdered anymore. Downstairs, there was loud music being played, and it was so loud that I almost felt the ground vibrate because of it.

"Both Alex and Matt are in the basement." He nodded. I guess I will get my hands dirty today after all. I smirked darkly before walking towards my office. Punching in the code to the basement, both Mariano and I made our way down. Immediately, I was greeted with the stench of blood and the smells of rotting and burnt bodies.

I would've gagged had I not been used to this since I was practically fifteen. Asking one of the guards to unlock the cell, Mariano walked in, while I sat down at a desk, a little away from the occupants of the cell. There was a file laying on the table, and even though I knew the contents of it, I still opened it.

Mariano didn't waste any second, before punching Alex repeatedly in the face with the brass knuckles he put on a few minutes ago. I noticed Matt cower away in fear, almost sticking himself to the wall behind. I mentally laughed loudly because of how stupid he was.

Either way, I drowned out all the voices, bringing my focus back to the file. Inside lay a picture of a beautiful girl. Gorgeous pair of sea green eyes, heart shaped lips, an oval face, and high cheekbones. The girl had long cascading light blond hair, which was tied into a sleek ponytail.

Name: Scarlet Isabella Hernandez.

Age: 26.

Height: 5'7.

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