Chapter 4 | Conflicted feelings and garden talk.

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In the wise words of the snow queen Elsa, I cannot marry someone I just met

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In the wise words of the snow queen Elsa, I cannot marry someone I just met. I just cannot. Nope. But, I didn't dare say it aloud. "Dad, you can protect me here. Why must I get married to be safe."

This time though, instead of dad saying something, it was Enzo, which made me frown even more, because I thought we were a team. "Bella, you know dad can't do that. Apollo is a good man, and I trust him to take care of you." He said the final word, and I wanted to scream, yell, shout, anything, but all the words died in my throat. I looked down for a second before speaking again.

"I need time. A week. During that, I will be with Uncle Drake, and no one will contact me," I then directed by gaze to Apollo, "And then, after a week, we get married." Immediately as I said that, both Julius and Enzo came towards me, but I held my hand up. I didn't know what to feel yet, and so I did not wish to speak to them. Not right now at least.

I waited for a few more minutes, to see if anybody else had to say something more, and when nobody did, I excused myself, but I couldn't stop my voice from cracking slightly. Fuck. There were too many things going through my head right now, and I didn't know what to process first. Getting married at fucking twenty-six, getting married to some dangerous but good looking man who is God knows what age. My business, the big consignments that were supposed to arrive, fuck. Everything was spiralling out of control.

I could hear footsteps behind me after a few minutes, and I was waited for the footsteps to come slightly closer to me. The moment I felt that the intruder was right behind me, I took out my gun and placed it on the intruders forehead. To my greatest shock, it was Hades, Apollo's younger brother.

But he didn't give me a chance to lower my gun, instead, he pushed it down himself, and when my grip on the gun loosened, he grabbed it himself, putting the safety back on. I didn't speak to him, and neither did he try to break the silence, we simply walked, and unknowingly, my feet led me to the garden than my uncles had gifted mom when she was seventeen.

Punching in the code, I led Hades through the garden doors, and I could see how amazed and fascinated he looked from the corner of my eyes. "Like it?" He nodded yes. It was ironical, how the god he was named after found his true love in one of the beautiful gardens like this one and he took her with him to the underworld. Truly, a beautiful story.

I led Hades to one of the benches and indicated he sit down. Once we were both comfortable, he broke the silence, "You know, today, when my brother went for work, he caught a few people, who were threatening you. Of course, he didn't tell me, or anybody else about it, but the file he brought home, had a lot of details about you. From where you studied from, to your criminal records to your profession. Everything." Her said quietly, his eyes not leaving the butterfly that was on the large sunflower.

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