Chapter 16 | Poetry and Cycles Races.

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First Dom and now Aaron. I wasn't in love with Bella, yet, I felt so jealous and I just couldn't help it. I just had this really strong feeling that Aaron simply wasn't just a nobody. I have never seen Bella shed tears and she was this close to crying in that cave. That just chipped away something in my heart, to see her try to keep her tears at bay and put on a fake smile for me.

As we walked down the street, I realized that I did in fact have real fun today with Bella. I was at that point where I could not say that I liked her, but I could admit to being infatuated with her. When I was not working, I was constantly thinking about her and I wouldn't be that fool to deny my feelings. I'd rather just skip the drama and embrace whatever I am feeling.

As we walked further, she suddenly halted and stared at the vintage looking bookstore for a second before walking ahead. "Wait," I called out to her, making her turn around, "I want to go in here." She had a small grin on her face before taking the lead.

Her eyes were literally sparkling with excitement and wonder upon seeing rows and rows filled with books. I would never allow her to lose this sparkle from her eye. Ever. I vowed to myself before following her around.

She grabbed a basket to hold the books, and I took that from her hands. "I'll hold that for you." I tried a British accent, and bowed a little, making her laugh and shake her head at my antics. Extending my arm out I said, "After you, m'Lady." She grabbed my free hand and pulled me with her into one of the isles, keeping her eyes glued to the various books.

She finally pulled out one book and flipped it over to read the blurb. She looked so freaking good with the sunlight coming at such a perfect angle that it made her glow. I couldn't help but pull my phone out to snap a picture of her, and that finally got her attention. Once it clicked to her what I had done, she blushed a deep red, "Apollo." She mumbled, hiding her face behind the book she was reading.

I chuckled before taking another picture of her. After a few seconds of hiding, she once again blessed me with her gorgeous face. The book might've been part of a series, because she pulled out a few more books before gently placing them into the basket in my hands. "Let's go there. I want to check out some poetry books too." She said, pointing towards the isle that was the most secluded, perfectly hidden from the whole shop. I let her take off first before falling in step with her.

I myself read a lot of literature and poetry so I paid attention to all the books that she was picking out. Most of them were typical classics, yet, she didn't pick up the one book that I expected her to, so without her noticing, I put it into the basket. Finally, after a few more minutes of browsing through the books, she turned to look at me, "Let's pay and leave, yeah?"

I nodded, and walked towards the counter, keeping the basket for the clerk to check out the books. After a few minutes, and almost thirty books later, the clerk finally said, "Your total would be one hundred and fifty euros. How would you like to pay; by cash or card?"

I wordlessly gave her my card, and I saw Bella starting to protest, but I silenced her with just my look. "You're my fiancé, that means my money is your money, so don't sweat it sweetheart."' I knew that that was the second time I was reminding her of being my fiancé, but I couldn't help the possessiveness that I was overcome with, each time I saw her. I wanted to claim her, and right now, it would have to be with words because she still didn't trust me fully yet. I didn't mind though. Besides, we were returning back to Miami after two more days, and then we would get married a week later.

Bella still thinks we are getting married immediately after we arrive in Miami, but you only got married once, so I wanted Bella to choose and plan this wedding however she liked. We left the shop with her carrying the lightest bag while I carried all the others. "What else do you have on your mind?" I asked her, not wanting to return home just yet. Not wanting to end this amazing evening I've had with her just yet.

She looked around a little, before suddenly squealing, "We can cycle back home." She wrapped her tiny hands around my shoulder, shaking me a little before grabbing my free hand and skipping further down the lane till we reached the town square again. All the streets were lit up with fairy lights and the whole vibe of the place had changed completely now that it was twilight.

As we reached the town square, I noticed how it was a lot more crowded, couples, families, friends, all on the streets, ready to enjoy their night. Even when it was so chaotic, it seemed like a peaceful place. I also noticed multiple cycle stands where Bella was leading us to. We could rent these cycles for four euros and this time Bella paid that, putting in eight coins to unlock two cycles.

She then pulled out a cycle, positioning it in front of me while taking the bags out of my hand. She placed two bags in the basket of my cycle before urging me to get on, and I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face, seeing her do the heavy lifting for me. She then got out a cycle for herself and placed the other two bags in her basket, before getting onto her cycle.

"Fuck, I'm cycling after so long." I heard her mumble as she passed by me, stopping a little ahead where it wasn't as crammed. I too got on and stopped next to her, keeping my eyes trained on her and only her. I told her to lead us because I didn't know these roads for obvious reasons. We must've been cycling for a good while now, because slowly I could see the numerous constellations glittering in the sky, while the sky itself put on a cloak of darkness, allowing the moon to shine brightly.

We might've been close to reaching because she suddenly increased her speed, "Race you back home." She yelled out, her hair flying in all directions when she stood up slightly, and I couldn't help but also speed. The moment I crossed her, she yelled out 'Cheater' before trying to gain distance over me. Bella did manage to overtake me, but I noticed how terribly her cycle was wobbling and before I could tell her to be careful, she fell off her cycle, and tumbled harshly against the road.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled, hurriedly getting off of my cycle too, not bothering with picking it up after it fell. I rushed towards Bella, and pulled her towards me before straightening out her legs. It was bleeding because of how badly she fell, and even her arms had scratches. Pulling out the handkerchief from my pocket, I held it against her right knee which was bleeding mire, trying to wipe away the dirt and blood.

"Apollo," She whispered softly, "It's fine. It's not that big of a wound." I shushed her, getting up slightly before pulling her up into my arms. Thank the lords we were almost at the gate of the mansion. I could feel her eyes boring holes into my face, yet I ignored her. I was mad at her for being so careless about herself just to beat me in a goddamn race.

I walked in through the gates and Nick came to greet us but stopped mid-sentence when he saw an injured and dirtied Bella in my arms. "What happened?" He asked me with urgency in his voice while his eyes flashed with worry for his sister. I didn't bother answering him, all my focus was only on Bella in my arms. I rushed upstairs, and into my bedroom. I took her to the bathroom where the first-aid kit was kept. Gently placing her on the bathroom counter, I took a cloth, making it damp under cold water before wiping her arms and legs.

"I'm sorry." I told her when she hissed in pain once, before being even more gentle with her while cleaning her up. Once all the dirt and blood was off, I took a cotton pad, wetting it with the medicinal alcohol before moving that over her wounds.

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Happy Reading

~Ariana and Rhys

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