Chapter 12 | No fairytale wedding.

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We reached Berlin at 2am, and to say that I was not in the best mood would most definitely be an understatement

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We reached Berlin at 2am, and to say that I was not in the best mood would most definitely be an understatement. I was nursing a severe migraine on the way to Uncle Drake's house when 'Mr. I don't need a driver, I can drive myself in the dead of the morning' crashed us into a goddamn tree.

That alerted the cop who then handcuffed us and dragged us to the station, having no problem putting us behind the bars.


"Who is there?" A voice bellowed out, into the dead of the night, while quickly scurrying towards the sound of the crash.

"There, dumbass, now somebody thinks we're vandalizing and there're going to call the cops on us and I'm going to fucking kill you." I massaged my head, feeling the headache worsen the more I looked at Apollo.

The unfamiliar voice called out once more before we spotted a pot-bellied man with little greying hair rushing towards us as fast as he could. He stopped three feet in front of us, but even then, I could smell the disgusting garlicky breath as he shouted, "Hands up, criminals!"

Giving Apollo a nasty stink eye, I slowly raised my arms up in the air, and with Apollo following suit, the police officer had no problem in handcuffing us to one-another. "Бог. я убью Аpollo, как только нас выпустят из тюрьмы. Чертовски глупая сука."

"I hear and understand you very well sweetheart." He whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.

"Good, then perhaps, I won't have to repeat myself again." I sassed back, before following the police officer to his police vehicle. I had the strongest of the urge to elbow him in the gut due to our close proximity, but I stopped myself at the last minute. I didn't need to act as stupid as him too.

"Are we at least allowed one phone call?" I groaned, scooting away from Apollo even though this body was the only thing keeping me warm.

"Shut the fuck up bitch." Called out the voice from other side and I saw Apollo clench his jaw and fist, seeming annoyed as well. Well, I had had enough, and quickly pressed thrice on the emergency button on my neckless. I couldn't give two shits if my mafia were to storm down and break this scrappy police station.

After that slight bit of reassurance that somebody would be here to pick us up in five, I leaned back against the cold, rough textured wall, whistling the tune of a nursery rhyme my mother used to sing us. "Maybe this little bitch really does need a muzzle to shut her up." The lanky looking dude commented again, irritated by my humming.

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