Chapter 14 | She's like a drug.

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It was getting annoying really, how much Scarlet was really affecting me

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It was getting annoying really, how much Scarlet was really affecting me. The thought of having her was addicting but I knew better than that. I was very impatiently waiting for the ten minutes to be up so that I could be within close proximity of her again, which was honestly so fucking pitiful but I didn't care.

With her, it was like once was never enough. She was like a drug, always leaving me lightheaded, messing with my head and the moment she left, I felt cold. Really cold. She knocked at my door after exactly fifteen minutes. Well, at least she was as punctual about time like me.

I stood up, catching a last look of myself in the mirror before opening the door to let her inside. God. Even her walk could be compared to the way ballerinas gilded. Everything about her screamed grace and power and even I wasn't immune to her charm. Maybe this is why I called her to my room perhaps, so that I could agree to being friends with her if she wanted.

But, I wanted to know her reason for wanting to meet me. So I waited. I let her get comfortable on my bed, while I situated myself on a chair on the other side of the room. It left a good amount of distance but even in a larger room, I would still feel just as affected by her presence as now.

"Apollo, I am being dead serious here, so I want you to listen to me carefully." There was not one emotion on her face and she appeared almost lifeless, instantly making me lose hope about us trying to patch up our relationship that I fucked up single-handedly.

"I swear to God, this is the last chance I am giving you to help me build," She gestured between us, "whatever this is. I cannot keep going back and forth with you just for your sick pleasures because it's affecting me and my work and all of my other relationships too. But, I want you to work for this too. I don't want it all to be just one-sided."

I was honestly waiting for the bad part where she would say she wanted to do nothing with me but I guess I just got lucky today. I cleared my throat once before nodding. "I also wanted to ask you if you were willing to give me a last chance." Just as I said that, a small, very miniscule smile spread on her face. That filled me up with happiness myself, seeing her smile.

She then got up, prompting me to get up too before walking closer to me. She extended her hand out tentatively for a handshake and I obliged. For someone so small and petite, she sure had a firm handshake.

She gently let go of my hand before bouncing back on my bed, "Okie. So now that we are friends, I want to show you one of my favourite spots here that Nick, Caroline, Enzo and I would always go to whenever Enzo and I would come here. I think you'll like it."

She paused, "I mean, do you want to come with me?" I couldn't help the small chuckle that left my mouth. She was fucking adorable yet sexy at the same time and I couldn't help myself but open up to her, and allow myself to be free around her.

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