Chapter 1

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Written at a teen age.
Not yet completely edited .
The book can be a lot better especially after the editing and makeups .


As per the tradition and a normal word called 'Respect', she can not even try to disobey her father's decision, especially when he is so serious like this. So serious about getting her married to his best friend's son, Kamil. At this point Waleeda feels like an item used to strengthen bond between the two families. She's the item her father who goes by the name Abubakar is using to keep up his relationship with his best friend, Muhsin.

The twenty six year old Skyline student is now in the passenger's seat of her father's black Peugeot car, and she couldn't not disagree that another reason why she decided to say yes to this alliance is also because Muhsin has been helping their family financially, in fact he's always giving her father money when ever he needs it. He was the one that paid for her while university fees tills he finish it and now that an alliance has been formed, to reject it will definitely make her feel guilty.

Abubakar is excitingly driving his daughter to see her twenty nine year old future husband, her father's best friend's son. To see Kamil who happens to be blind as she has been told. Waleeda could remember how her skyline friends were mocking her via WhatsApp due to the fact that she has to marry a blind man and that's the same reason why she blocked them all.

Waleeda was staying in campus at Skyline until when her father told her to be staying off campus now that she's going to be married soon. Married to a blind man whom she's yet to meet. She couldn't help the eager feeling of setting her eyes in this blind future husband of hers, kamil the first born of the Muhsin family.

She wanted to wear her normal attire which is an Abaya but her mother, Munira practically forced her to wear an expensive pink flay gown that she has not worn in a long time, it's one among the two expensive gowns she own, at least for someone from her world that gown is expensive. But for someone in the riches world it's probably cheap. Munira didn't only forced her to put that gown but also put some makeup on her Waleeda's brown skinned face.

Waleeda was so confused when her mother forced her to look fine, it's not that he's going to be able to see her anyways.

'As if he could see.' That's what Waleeda thought with a shrug coming short after because she has been told that the man she's going to marry can not even see.

She hates the fact that she has been forced into this, but she has to obey. She regretted ever being the quiet type that will always say 'yes' to whatever her parents say, it has now led her into an arranged marriage with a blind man.

She kept on turning her powdered face from right to left, counting from one to ten to elapse time that seems to have frozen. She blinked at the sky outside the window with a sight before she closed her brown eyes wishing for this day to be a dream. Wishing for all these marriage talks to be a bad dream but reality hit her when she heard her father's voice.

"Don't sleep ! You'll spoil your mascara " Abubakar said to Waleeda who then quickly opened her eyes in response even though she knows that the mascara has probably dried away by now.

"We'll soon reach there." he added before tapping his finger on the steering wheel as if he's too eager to reach his destination.

Abubakar has a pointed nose and full black eyebrows, his dimples on both sides of his brown-skinned cheeks is what is common in the family, coincidentally even Munira has dimples.

Waleeda was pulled out of her running thoughts when she heard the loud horn sound coming out from the car which Abubakar caused.

They are now in front of a large white gate with a golden royal designs on it, some group of  people are sitting outside the gate and they all turned their attention on the black colored Peugeot that Abubakar is in.

"They probably heard your loud horn Baba."Waleeda mumbled as low as possible, not really intending for her father to hear her.

Fortunately for her, he didn't hear her as he continued driving inside the house after the gate has been opened by an old-looking man who is obviously the gate man.



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