Chapter 33

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  Waleeda exited the car when they reached the mosque that's close to imam Muhammad's house , it's a small mosque that looks more like a house than a mosque with short walls around it . There was only a short wall that separated the males and the females section so it was easy to identify.

   "I'll be waiting for you by the car after the prayers . " Kamil said to Waleeda before turning to enter the males section while Waleeda walked to the females section's tap where she performed an ablution before joining the jami'i .

When the prayers ended , Waleeda could hear whispers of the women around her as they murmur their prayers with their hands up . She did the same and prayed for Kamil's sight , she needed him to be able to see .

Waleeda stepped out of the small mosque and walked towards the car as she set her eyes on Kamil who is already waiting for her  leaning on the car . He gave her a wide grin before stepping into the car with Waleeda doing the same .

"You know my home is just nearby . " Waleeda said to Kamil after he has started driving the car .
"Really ? Which way ? " Kamil asked inquiringly at the same time intending to visit there .

Waleeda hid her surprise as she showed him the directions to her home which Kamil quietly followed until they stopped in front of a gate that Waleeda is so very familiar with, her home's gate .

Waleeda was the first to exit the car moving towards the gate already feeling eager to see her parents . As they crossed the gate , all Kamil was doing was to stare around the house since he has never been here before .

  Waleeda pulled his arm as they make their way into the living room where she knows her parents definitely will be now , Waleeda pushed open the door of the living room not caring to knock .
"Waleeda ! " Munira exclaimed pulling  Waleeda into a hug that felt like hours of bone cracking while Kamil just stood awkwardly beside Waleeda . "Mama.." Waleeda said releasing her mother from the hug .

"Please sit . " Munira motioned towards the worn out couch for Kamil to sit which at first Waleeda thought he can't sit on since he's used to sitting on expensive couches at his home yet was surprised when Kamil sat down comfortably on the couch giving a smile to Munira .

"Mama where's Baba ? " Waleeda asked looking around the corridors for Abubakar who was no where to be found , "kash He just went out to buy Kerosene for the stove . " Munira replied going towards the kitchen together with Waleeda.

  Waleeda simply fetched water for herself and Kamil  "Mama we've eaten at home so there's no need for food . " Waleeda said to her mother before going back to the living room giving Kamil a cup of water which he gladly collected.

  Kamil gulped on the water giving Waleeda the empty cup , he cannot believe this is where her parents live and he already knows what to do next , he definitely knows what to do next . He needs to get a new house for them and he will do it .

Waleeda and Munira continued to gist leaving Kamil out of what they called girls talk , they spent more than an hour talking and reminiscing over their past memory until it was time to leave . " Do visit some other time." Munira said to Kamil and Waleeda after giving Waleeda a goodbye hug .

" Sure. "Kamil replied and held Waleeda's arm as they walk towards the gate , Kamil exited the gate together with Waleeda where they entered the car parked outside.

"You're quite close to your Mother . " Kamil said putting on his seatbelt with Waleeda doing the same .
  "Very.." Waleeda replied looking at the window by her side while Kamil quietly drove the car .

Waleeda didn't bother to disturb Kamil during the ride rather just kept her mouth shut until they reached home around ten , the house was quiet when Kamil parked the car back to its former position . He waited for Waleeda to exit the car before further moving into the house with his wife by his side .

"Everyone is probably sleeping so just cancel that dare .." Waleeda said to Kamil after they've crossed the white gate sized door moving towards the stairs .

"So .. it was a dare ? " Kamil asked raising his right eyebrows inquiringly.

"Well. . . Not really. " Waleeda replied making her way into her room with Kamil tailing behind her . She sat by the edge of her bed feeling sleepy due to the long day while Kamil simply sat beside her . She knows what he wanted to see her doing , her medicine.

  Waleeda reached out for her medicine as she removed the last pill swallowing it with water   "Done and dusted ." Waleeda said after swallowing the very last pill of her medicine .

"I have work to do in my laptop but because of you I didn't do it. " Kamil rubbed his palm across his face right after saying this . He wasn't able do the his work because of the fact that they went to imam Muhammad's house.

"I'm sorry for that . " Waleeda replied shrugging her shoulders not knowing what he wants her to do .
"Sorry only ? C'mon I deserve more than just a sorry . " Kamil replied .

Waleeda moved closer to his face placing a soft peck on his smooth cheeks that void of any dark spot or rashes . She pulled back having a small blush on her cheeks . Kamil wiped his cheek saying "smells of the medicine you just took. " He said in a playful tone mainly to relax Waleeda's nerves .

Waleeda slightly pushed his shoulder annoyed at what he said while Kamil just chuckled before saying "I'm just joking. " He said still chuckling . Kamil held Waleeda's hand in his simply intertwining their fingers together.

"But next time the peck can be on a different place . " Kamil said to Waleeda keeping their fingers intertwined.

Waleeda said her niya together with Kamil for the fasting that they are going to start doing tomorrow. Fasting for sight .

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