Chapter 7

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As early as nine in the morning , Abubakar woke his daughter and wife up to start the normal day processes . Waleeda freshened up and combed her medium sized hair before parking it into a bun that her mother normal call 'doughnut style ' . She wore a black Abaya and wrapped a black veil around her head .

Abubakar has already informed her to get ready after zuhr prayer which she has already noted . She got out of her room to eat breakfast and that's when she saw an unfamiliar face talking cheerfully with her parents , the woman looks like she's in her mid thirties and she has a make up kit beside her , not to forget the way she  is chewing her bubble gum soundly in the parlor .

Waleeda simply greeted them all and went to the kitchen to eat , after finishing her breakfast , she heard her mother's voice shouting her name so she quickly rushed to the parlor .

"This is a very good friend of mine , Celester " Munira said as she introduced the very fair skinned  Igbo woman that's still chewing that same bubble gum .

"Good morning ." Waleeda greeted once again, Celester  nodded her head in response with a wide smile on her lips.

"She's here to put on makeup for you ..." Munira said as she gave a broad smile . "She's a professional makeup artist " she added.

Waleeda definitely doesn't want the makeup and she forgot to inform her mother that kamil hates makeup . She doesn't know what to do now. She moved closer to her mother's ear and whispered
" Mama I was told that kamil doesn't like makeup."

Munira's smile disappeared suddenly, she turned and told Celester that she can go as Celester also informed her earlier that she has a tight schedule today.

Waleeda was glad that Celester didn't look even close to annoyed when Munira dismissed her rather she gave a pleasing smile and promised to visit some other time.

After Celester left, Munira now turned her full attention to her daughter.

"I didn't know that you two were talking through the phone this much that he even told you his dislikes." Munira blurted out as excited as ever.

Waleeda's frown deepen, frown lines could be seen on her forehead .
"No ! His brother told me." She said to her over excited mother.

"Oh.. " Munira shortly replied, disappointed by the fact that her daughter couldn't effectively interact with Kamil.

Waleeda escaped to her room and decided to take a short nap before it's time for zuhr prayer.

She woke up some hours later and prayed Zuhr, Waleeda immediately washed her face that has sleeping lines and lightly rubbed some powder and put a lip gloss before joining her father that's already waiting for her in the parlor.

Abubakar wore a navy blue kaftan that he bought during the last Eid probably so impress the Muhsin's family. Waleeda greeted both her parents before standing beside her father who is looking at her from head to toe.

"Are you going to a burial with this black thing or what ? " Abubakar sarcastically asked his daughter who just continued staring at the floor.

"Baba I was told that he likes black cloth.... " Waleeda lied to her father, surprisingly she didn't stammer like she usually does when she lies.

Abubakar accepted her excuse with a knowing smile as  they both walked out of the parlor making their way to the house compound where the black Peugeot is parked.

Waleeda entered the passenger seat of the car while Abubakar entered the driver's seat ready to take off . He started the engine but it didn't work, Abubakar stepped out and poured water into the car engine before coming back inside , this time around, it worked.

He drove out of the house driving on the very busy Kano road  towards his destination, this time around they reached the house fast using a shortcut that Muhsin informed Abubakar.

The gateman opened the gate for them and Abubakar drove in and parked it at the same place he parked it the last time he was here .

They both exited the car and easily found their way inside the house. Waleeda could hear some noises coming from the inner part of the house even before she reach the large gate sized white door.

Opon entering the house, a glass cup came flying across the center table aiming towards Waleeda but she was sharp to shift aside making the glass cup to shatter into pieces behind her.

She stare ahead of her to see who did that , Waleeda saw Khalil's  face looking so angry and some people were beside him .

He was breathing in and out as if he could blast at any point in time.

"I'm not going to that man !" Khalil shouted in an angry tone that her father will refer to as a bratty tone.

Khadija noticed that Abubakar and Waleeda has arrived so she left the maids to deal with Khalil's tantrums as she walked gently to their side.

"I'm sorry you had to see this .....welcome by the way " Khadija apologized and welcomed them.

Even today , she's wearing a long white dress that has a circled design on it with a matching scarf neatly tied on her head.

"What happened to Khalil ?" Abubakar asked , he has never seen this type of attitude before especially from a small boy like Khalil.

Khadija sighed before replying with "he doesn't want to go for his mathematics class which is a necessity "

Khadija slowly walked back to Khalil and tried to convince him to go but he refused.

"I will personally take you out when you're back Khalil." she said trying to convince him. Waleeda couldn't help but smile at what Khadijah said to Khalil. 'That's not something so convincing to tell a small boy ' she thought.

"Call kamil and tell him about the situation". Khadija said to one of the male maidthat's there who then quickly dashed out of the parlor to call kamil. 

Abubakar and Waleeda sat down on the large white sofa as instructed by Khadijah.
Waleeda couldn't believe her eyes , a small boy throwing tantrums like this .

For a moment, the first time she saw those gentle features . She could swear that he can not shout , she could swear that he is as calm as a gentle breeze, but the situation she's watching in-front of her proved that the calm ones can be angry too.

After some minutes, Muhsin walked in with his suitcase on his right hand , obviously back from work , he dropped the suitcase which was carried by a maid before walking towards his wife.

They engulfed each other into a warm welcoming hug as they talk smilingly to each other for some minutes then came back to face their guest.  The maids have already cleaned the items Khalil has broken and were quick to leave after that.

Khalil sat down alone on one of the large white sofa, he's wearing a pure white T-shirt with white joggers. His wide eyes staring at the ground as his father talk to him.

After some minutes, a tall man was seen appearing from a corner, he looks angelically handsome just like Khalil but a little bit fairer, his black huge eyes kept staring ahead of him unblinkingly.

He is also wearing the same cloth as Khalil , the same white top and white joggers.

He walked firmly and came to sit beside Khalil. He touched the white sofa as if trying to find a free space to sit beside Khalil. After he has sat down, he held Khalil's small hand on his own.

"You don't want to go to your lesson right ? " the man asked in a deep voice. Waleeda instantly recognized that mesmerizing voice, It's Kamil.

Her -soon -to -be blind husband.


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