Chapter 34

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The whole week passed with Waleeda and Kamil fasting , the whole house requested to join in doing the fasting yet Kamil pleaded with them not to join .

The first Monday of next week , the whole mansion got so noisy due to the fact that relatives have arrived for the reunion that'll take a whole week , during that whole week they will be staying in the Muhsin's mansion as it has enough rooms to accommodate them all .

Waleeda just returned from Skyline after her lectures for today is finished , the family's driver was the one that took her and returned her home . Waleeda stepped into the living room and was surprised to see how children were roaming around the large room .

The elders on the other hand are seated on the couch conversing with Khadijah who looks like she's on the verge of collapsing probably due to the loud noise .

"Good afternoon. " Waleeda greeted in general not really pointing someone out in particular. She could see unfamiliar faces of Kamil's relatives that are also like her relatives now. She suddenly wish her own relatives had come .

"Good afternoon. " They all greeted back with wide smile . "Is this Kamil's wife ? " A dark skinned woman with huge black eyes turned to ask Khadijah who then answered her honestly "yes , Waleeda is her name . "

"Woww.... She's very beautiful. " Waleeda blushed hearing another woman calling her beautiful . Waleeda was looking around with her eyes hoping to see Kamil yet he was no where to be found in the living room so she predicted that he's probably with the males relatives.

"Sit down here . " Another different fair skinned woman said patting the empty seat on the couch beside her . Waleeda nervously walked to sit beside the woman that has a very strong perfume on her clothes making Waleeda to sneeze as soon as she sat beside her .

"So tell us where you met our son first . " Another different woman asked Waleeda with a wide hopeful smile on her face , it's clearly obvious that the woman enjoy hearing peoples' love journey.

"Actually.. it's arranged so she met Kamil here . " Khadijah answered them so that they'll stop bothering the fasting Waleeda yet the same woman is so determined on hearing their love journey .

"Oh.. tell us what first attracted you to our son then . " The same woman asked leaning closer to hear what Waleeda has to say clearly . Waleeda stayed quiet trying to think of an answer to tell them .

"His..his personality. " Waleeda answered making all of the more than fifteen women to disagree by shaking their heads , they don't believe Kamil's personality is enough to attract a woman , as far as they can remember his personality is something else .

"What else apart from personality. " Another woman asked Waleeda who wiped the drop of sweat on her forehead regardless of the fact that the living room is extremely cold .

"His ey-eyes . " Waleeda answered honestly, his eyes were really one of the features that attracted her.
They all nodded their heads in agreement "Yes .. yes his brown eyes are really something to like . " One of them spoke .

"Uhm.... Can I go now ? " Waleeda asked as she rose up from the couch intending to go to her room but was stopped when one of the relatives called for a hug . Waleeda walked towards the woman giving her a short hug .

"I'm Shamsiya , Kamil's maternal aunt . " The fair skinned woman introduced after hugging Waleeda who then responded by giving her a wide smile .
Waleeda went forward to hug the next woman "Farida , Kamil's paternal aunt . " The woman introduced after the short hug .

Waleeda eventually hugged all the eighteen women in the living room including Khadijah. Waleeda was about to leave when one of them stopped her to test her memory . "What did I say was my name ? " She asked hoping that Waleeda has not forgotten her name .

Waleeda gave a smile "Aunt Farida . " Waleeda replied before making her way towards the stairs , she could hear noises coming from Kamil's room knowing that the males relatives are in there . Waleeda already pity him since he'll be tired of hearing their question.

She pushed open the door to her room and stepped inside , as soon as Waleeda entered , the door to the room opened with Kamil entering as if he was being chased . He was panting as he sat down on the couch .

"Their questions never end ne . " Kamil said after sitting on the couch with a little bit of difficulty since he couldn't see it . Waleeda chuckled upon seeing his condition, she was sure that he couldn't bear their questions.

"How was school ? " Kamil asked after calming his breathing . "It was fine . " Waleeda replied walking to sit beside him on the couch . They have been fasting for a week now and this is their second week of fasting.

"Kamil ... do you feel any change ? " Waleeda asked referring to his eye , she was hoping to hear a good news .

"Nothing ." Kamil replied as his lips dry due to fasting. Waleeda walked towards her cosmetics where she fetched a small portion of Vaseline on her index finger .

She walked back to the couch and placed her finger on Kamil's lips rubbing the Vaseline on his dry lips so as it won't crack. "Stop leaving your lips dry, always moisturize" Waleeda said to Kamil after rubbing the Vaseline on his lips .

" They other ways to moisturize it though. " Kamil said giving a smile to Waleeda who simply snacked his head playfully .

"Waleeda.. you haven't answered me yet .. " Kamil said to Waleeda who frowned in confusion . "About ? " Waleeda asked sitting down on the couch beside Kamil. It took her some minutes to understand that he's talking about wether she love him or not .wether to give him her heart or not .

"I'm still thinking.." Waleeda replied not wanting to rush things with him .

"Sure .. take your time . " Kamil replied leaning back on the couch to relax .

"You're even relaxing... oya out of my room now or I'll go and tell them that you're hiding here . " Waleeda said to Kamil as she chuckled at his reaction .

"Hmm..go and tell them ." Kamil replied closing his eyes to sleep on the couch while Waleeda simply walked to her bed hoping there'll be a change after this one month of fasting.

Author : thank you for reading SEE .
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And pls check out my other stories : MIGRATION, HEART SHADES AND MIXED ACADÉMIE.

Thanks 🤍

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