Chapter 19

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  "She looks like she can barely be angry but she can actually be this angry , what a troublesome wife I have " Kamil mumbled .

Waleeda sat down on her bed nervously playing with her fingers until she dozed off unknowingly .

The day went quite fast with all its daily routine being followed sequentially
Waleeda didn't go downstairs again until when it was time for dinner.

Waleeda put  on her veil and got out of her room to eat dinner with the rest of the family . The fact that she missed lunch intentionally made her more hungry .

Waleeda got downstairs walking towards the dining room to see everyone already seated on the dining table including Muhsin . Waleeda greeted them before taking her seat beside Khalil and opposite her husband .

Waleeda was relieved not to see Hibbatullah in the dining room .she doesn't want to set her eyes on Hibbatullah after the awkward conversation.

She quietly consumed a spoon of the food and swallowed it , Waleeda dropped her spoon and cautiously asked "Is there fish in this food ? " Waleeda asked hoping for the answer to be a 'No' as she's allergic to fish .

"Yes ! It's delicious right ? " Khalil responded and took in more spoonful to his small mouth.

Waleeda starts to cough unstoppably feeling uncomforted around her throat area .
What happen? " Khadijah asked yet Waleeda couldn't reply as she continue to cough .

Kamil was quick to pass bring a cup of water to her lips making her to take slow gulps of water , he placed the water back on the table still giving his wife a serious look that shows how concerned he is .

"I'm..actually allergic to fish meals " Waleeda replied after she has managed stopped coughing.

She got up to leave the dining room but Kamil was quick to stop her by holding her wrist gently pulling her back .

"Sit down " Kamil said  to Waleeda.

   "But I can't..." Waleeda started speaking but Kamil broke in by saying "Sit down " in a much firmer voice . His voice was so commanding that Waleeda had to sit down .

Kamil called one of the housemaid and told them to prepare porridge with a healthy drink for Waleeda .

"Salim  , prepare a delicious yam porridge with a healthy drink for my wife . Make it nice I trust your cooking abilities. " Kamil said to Salim who was proud to hear Kamil's remark on his cooking ability.

Waleeda was a little surprised as to how kamil knows that she love yam porridge yet she hid her surprise quite well .

In less than thirty minutes , everyone was done eating leaving Waleeda and Kamil who were waiting for the yam porridge.

Even though Kamil wasn't going to eat it , he still waited because he wants to make sure that she'll finish all of it before going seeing it as his duty . Salim brought the yam porridge and Waleeda's mouth was already watering due to its nice aroma .

Waleeda started eating but was feeling a little bit uncomfortable at to how Kamil's looking at her and she knows he can see her now that it's night . She finished the food was about to leave when Kamil said "We were going to have a family reunion tomorrow but I will shift it to next week "

"Why ? " Waleeda asked wondering why he had to do that .

"Because your allergy will probably start showing it's effect in the next few hours and you'll be sick for Atleast a week " Kamil replied .

"Are you a doctor or something? " Waleeda asked .

"I was but not anymore " Kamil replied.

"Oh .. I see" Waleeda  said .

"If you start to feel any headache, stomach pain or itchy skin then inform me immediately so that we can go to the hospital because I'm sure that one of this will occur " Kamil said to Waleeda who seemed nonchalant about it .

"Alright " Waleeda replied.

"How about you just come let's go to the hospital now ? Prevention is better than cure " Kamil said  to Waleeda who then went to get her hair covering before stepping out of the house with him .


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