Chapter 12

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"I believe the maids here are very nice .. ?" Waleeda asked trying her best to demolish the awkward silence that has eaten up the surroundings of the balcony.

Kamil immediately snapped his head up to look at her before giving his reply "I promise you, befriending any of them will be your worst mistake, you can't trust them. "

Waleeda made a frown face of confusion " It seems like you don't like the maids, why ?...." Waleeda inquired trailing at the end of her sentence.

"Let's go back in there." Kamil said instead of replying to her question as to the reason why he does not fancy the maids in this house. She got up and followed the guy that has already left the balcony after his last sentence.

Kamil didn't stay in the living room rather went into the right corner where the large white stairs is located while Waleeda sat down on the couch beside Khalil.

"He is nice ..right ?" Khalil asked as he turned to face Waleeda, his smile seemingly wide.

"Yes..yes he is. " Waleeda replied with a smile of her own wondering wether she has given the accurate answer or not.

She wanted some minutes of quietness but with the way her father, Khadijah and Muhsin are busy talking loudly and also the fact that she's sitting beside a boy that never seems to stop talking about Kamil. 'She'll never get a moment of peace.' she thought inwardly.

Waleeda smiled when an idea popped into her head, she asked kamil a question earlier which he didn't answer her, so why not just ask his younger brother that seems to enjoy chit chatting with familiar faces.

Waleeda cleared her throat to gain his attention before saying "uhm.. Khalil.. why does your brother dislike house maids ? " Waleeda asked trying to be wise with her question which didn't really turn out well as her question sounded more of a direct one to Khalil than an indirect question.

Khalil was hesitant at first but later said "Don't tell anyone please.." Khalil moved closer to her and whispered in her ear "Ya kamil almost married her. "

Waleeda asked "Who ?"

"One of the maid here." He replied in a very low voice so that the rest will not hear him.

"Then why did he not marry her ? " She asked again this time around a little bit confused.

"What's the name of that thing ? "Khalil asked as his full eyebrows drew together in thought as he tries to remember a particular word.

"Which thing ?" Waleeda asked.

"That thing that happens when someone stops loving you ?" He asked again.

" mean heartbreak ?" Waleeda replied.

"Yes heartbreak, I think she broke his heart.. well maybe, because after some days, I stopped seeing her around Ya kamil and he always changes his mood when I mention her name." Khalil answered innocently releasing the quote expensive piece of  information to Waleeda hoping she won't tell it to anyone.

Waleeda could only reply with an "oh " She couldn't believe that a handsome and rich man like Kamil could ever get his heart broken by a housemaid.

"What's her name then? " She asked as she turn to face Khalil again.

He kept quiet for a moment before replying with "Hibbatullah."

Waleeda repeated the name on her tongue to taste how it sound. It sounded so naive and innocent, she couldn't believe a girl with an innocent name like that could ever do something like that, something as bad as breaking Kamil's heart.

"You know..when she was here my brother wasn't blind but when she left, he became blind and could only see in the night." Khalil replied with a single drop of tears sliding down his cheeks which he quickly cleaned with his palm.

Waleeda couldn't believe the view she's seeing now, a  sweet boy crying for his blind brother, she quickly mumbled a "Sorry. "to him which he nodded in response with a small tight smile.

"Was she that beautiful." Waleeda blurted out knowing deep down that for Hibbatullah to be able to capture Kamil's attention then she must have been very beautiful, she couldn't help but ask.

"Very..." He replied sincerely.

Waleeda frowned slightly.

'No wonder Kamil still cares for her.' She thought.

Or maybe he loves her because of something else, maybe it's not only because of her beauty, maybe Kamil's love for Hibbatullah's actually genuine.

Khalil noticed the change in her mood so he quickly said "Not more than you though."

"Oh.."Waleeda said and blushed slightly, that's what she usually do when someone acknowledges her beauty, be it a child, an duly or an old person. She allowed her mind to drift towards the new learned information she just received from Khalil.

Based on what Khalil said, Waleeda could only detect that Hibbatullah did not only got with Kamil's heart, but she might have gone with his sight making him not to be able to see.

After some minutes of silence, Abubakar turned to his daughter and informed her that they're leaving now.

They both got up and exited the Muhsins' mansion as they reach Abubakar's car .
Abubakar drove the car really fast breaking the speed limit in the process all so that they can reach home in no time.

And as soon as they reached home, Waleeda immediately went out of the car and ran inside the house. She saw Munira on her way but didn't even wait to speak to her, she quickly entered her room's toilet and started vomiting out the contents in her stomach in the sink.

Munira quickly followed her daughter to know what's wrong, her eyes widen when she saw the scene infront of her. Vomiting, Munir voiced out the first thing that came to her head.

"No! Waleeda.. don't tell me that you're pregnant? " She asked with her palm on her mouth.

Waleeda quickly rinsed her mouth before she said "Haba Mama..No. Baba drove so fast and so my stomach.... " She couldn't believe that her mother said that.

" habibti. " Munira said feeling a little bit ashamed, she then informed her daughter to come and eat after praying.
Waleeda laid on her bed hours later after eating and drifted to sleep so as to relax her bothered mind.


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