Chapter 44

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By the time Celester finished putting on makeup on Waleeda's face , of course as the professional she is , it looked marvelous that even Waleeda couldn't help but stare at her reflection in the mirror even more . It wasn't a heavy makeup rather a light one that shows her natural beauty even more .

Khadijah brought out three gowns that were newly bought for this purpose , Waleeda sat on the stool finding it hard to choose from among the three beautiful gown , the first one is a black fitted gown , the second one is a pink puffy gown just like Khadijah's own while the third one is a long green flay gown with some embroideries on it .

"I've an idea though you can tell me if you're not fine with it ; since Kamil is wearing green you should also wear green right ? " Khadijah asked pointing at the third green gown on the bed .

Waleeda didn't see anything wrong with what Khadijah suggested so she agreed to it , Khadijah helped Waleeda into the green gown zipping it up for her when it's done .

They were doing Waleeda's veil when the adhaan for Maghrib prayer was heard , Waleeda and the rest prayed first before continuing the dressing that took more than an hour .

They didn't finished till when it was time for isha prayer where everyone prayed before stepping out of the room in a high heels with Khadijah and Karima by her side helping her to hold some part of her green gown that's flowing on the clean floor .

Waleeda walked to the event center that's already filled up with people , the hall was arranged in a dinner setting where chairs were circled around many rounded table which has been covered with a good looking green fabric .

The walls of the hall was covered in green long curtains that covered each and every inch of the walls , the floors covered in a green fluffy carpet . There's two high chairs that looks royally sculptured where Kamil is already seated on one waiting for Waleeda.

Waleeda could only feel the flashings lights of people's phone on her face as soon as she stepped in , apart from the more than five professional photographers snapping her right now , the invited guests too were snapping her with their phones at the same time admiring her makeup that shows her natural beauty even more .

The invited master of ceremonies cleared his throat to announce Waleeda's presence
"Hajiya Waleeda Kamil Muhsin is now entering together with Hajiya Khadijah Ibrahim Muhsin and Hajiya karima . " He announced while the guest starts to cheer .

"Mama I thought this was going to be a normal celebration. " Waleeda whispered in to Khadijah's ear as they match to their seat , Waleeda was walking when she noticed her mother and father sitting at their reserved seat at the same time sending her smiles .

"We are celebrating Kamil's sight but at the same time celebrating you two's union. " Khadijah replied and walked away to sit beside Munira .

Waleeda sat down beside Kamil who's dressed in a green kaftan that has the same embroideries as her gown .

"I like you better without makeup . " Kamil whispered as soon as Waleeda sat down , she was not surprised to hear what he just said because she could still remember the time Khalil told her that Kamil hates makeup .

At first when Khalil told her that , she was quite confused but now she knows the reason . It's because the girl that betrayed him is always so fond of putting on makeup , Hibbatullah can't stay an hour without makeup , talking about Hibbatullah , Waleeda wonder where she is .

"Stop frowning . " Kamil said when he noticed Waleeda's frown as she was in deep thoughts.

The invited master of ceremonies continued the event by calling out someone that'll pray , Khalil volunteered to pray so he was called out to do so . After the prayers the event continued gradually , Waleeda didn't realize that she's hungry till when food were served by the maids .

They entered in their uniform serving food to each and every table present in the event hall including Waleeda and Kamil's table .
"Kamil . " Waleeda called out immediately after their food is being served .

"Hmm..?" Kamil turned to face her .

"I can't eat in front of many people . " Waleeda admitted , she prefer to eat in a less crowded place . But this event center is filled with a lot of people that she doesn't even think she can lift a spoon in front of them .

"You want to go out and eat ? " Kamil asked in a questioning tone .

"Won't that be somehow ? " Waleeda asked back , the whole event of meant for the two of them  and if the two of them leave now it'll definitely look somehow ....

"Do you want to go out and eat ? " Kamil asked again not caring wether it'll look somehow or not . Waleeda nodded her head signifying a yes

Kamil called the closest maid to him "Bring this to the living room . " He ordered the maid while pointing at the foods they were served .

Kamil held Waleeda's arm to guide her out of the event center when he noticed Khadijah giving him a questioning glare , he walked towards Khadijah's seat first .

"Mama we want to eat outside . " Kamil said to his mother who gave him a nod after he has explained .

Kamil continued to pull Waleeda until they are away from the event center walking towards the living room that void of any person .
"I'm tired of walking..." Waleeda suddenly stopped walking on the gravels when she couldn't bear the pain her high heels is giving her .

Kamil did what any other person in his place will do , he gently picked her up and continued to walk towards the living room .


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