Chapter 5

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"Who is Waleeda? " Came the reply of the owner of the deep voice.

Waleeda stayed mute, she doesn't know what to feel now, wether she should feel happy that there is a hope that the wedding might not occur as he doesn't even know her name or to feel sad that the person she's suppose to marry doesn't even know her.

She declined the call and dropped her phone beside her on the medium sized bed.
' I can't believe I'm to marry this guy ' She mumbled to nobody in particular.

Her stomach made a loud grumbling sound as she stood up to pray the last prayer of the day. Asr.

Waleeda prayed for the same thing again and folded her prayer mat before setting it aside. She couldn't resist the hunger that's eating her  up due to the fact that she didn't eat any of the food being offered to them at Muhsin's place.

Her father was the one that ate almost all the food being offered but she didn't touch even a bottle of water, mainly due to her shy nature.
Waleeda couldn't endure  the extreme hunger so she stepped out of her room intending to go to the kitchen. She entered the medium sized kitchen trying to be as sneaky and quiet as possible.

"I was waiting for you." A voice said to Waleeda as soon as she entered the kitchen. The voice her startled and she sharply carried a knife ready to attack but she calmed down when she saw the bright face of her mother, Munira.

"oh Mama, it's you ......" Waleeda said as she take in a deep breath and exhale it out.

Waleeda is closer to her mother than her father who is rather a little strict in his operation.    She share almost all her happy experiences with her mother and almost all her sad experiences with her father.

Munira pointed at a covered food on the kitchen's medium sized table and said "Eat "
Waleeda gave a short nod before carrying the food on her hands.

She opened the cover and start to eat slowly after sitting down, even though she is feeling so hungry now, it's just not in her habit to rush while eating.

"I know you don't want this ...." Munira starts to speak, she walked in slow steps until she sat down on the chair opposite the one Waleeda is sitting on.

Waleeda stopped eating for a moment , she then dropped her spoon and replied "Then  why are you forcing me ? And the man is full of pride." She judged due to how he spoke to her over the phone. She could smell the pride in his mesmerizing voice.

Munira starts to explain to Waleeda how perfect the relationship they share between the Muhsin's family is.

"You didn't even meet Kamil yet you're already  judging him ." Munira said to her daughter who is sitting down with a frown and her hands folded across her chest.

"Mallam Muhsin and your father were classmates, they attended the same school as best friends..... it's not all the time that we get to have a choice in our life's, I promise you .... You'll love it there. " Munira said to Waleeda in a convincing voice.

Waleeda took a deep breath and nodded hoping her mother's words will be true. Waleeda and Munira talked for some time before Munira urged her to go back to her room as it's almost 10 pm.

Waleeda washed the silver plate she just finished using and off the kitchen light and then lastly closed the door gently.

She made her way through the tiny hallway of the house and turned into a right corner where her room is located. She put her hand on the doork handle that feels so cold due to the cold weather.

Her room has never been changed, it has always been the same brown paint, purple wardrobe, purple colored curtains apart from her white bed that got changed on her last birthday when she turned 22 years old.

It was also purple like the other stuffs in the room but Munira bough a white one this time around.

'New age New bed' that was what Munira said as she informed her daughter about her new bed three months ago.

Waleeda jumped on her bed and carried her phone, she saw a missed call from a number, after checking she noticed that it's kamil's   number.

She instantly called back not wanting to be in his bad list. The phone started to ring and he picked on the second ring .

"Yes ?" Waleeda asked in a more authoritative voice, she wanted him to know that she has some 'self respect' too.

"Abba told me that your name's Maryam but you introduced yourself as Waleeda so I was kind of confused .." kamal said through the other line, his voice sounding so tired.

"Excuse me ... who's Abba ? " she asked.

"What's your real name then ? " kamil asked back instead of answering her question, that's a habit he got to develop unknowingly.

"Actually I have two names  but I majorly use Waleeda instead of Maryam " she replied him honestly.

" Noted ." kamil casually replied and added                     "by the way, you should sleep it's already nine minutes after ten." kamil said from the other line in his deep voice.

"How did you see the time ..? " Waleeda asked confusingly, she was told that he's blind then how is he able to see the time ?

she doesn't understand how a blind man can see and even tell her the time which is actually correct.

But before she could blink an eye , kamil disconnected the call making it obvious that he doesn't like to talk about his vision. But can he actually see ? There's definitely something more to this that is being kept private, how she wish she could unveil it.


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