Chapter 9

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Kamil returned to sit on his former seat , his hands folded across each other but his expression remained neutral like someone that has no emotions at all .The two of them kept quiet for some seconds .

Waleeda was staring at the sky while kamil just stared at the floor unblinkingly .
The door to the balcony made a sound , someone was knocking on the door .

"Yes ? " kamil inquired on a very low voice . A small figure appeared in , Khalil closed the door behind him .
"Daddy is calling ya kamil " Khalil informed his brother respectfully as expected of him .

He gently opened the door and left .
Waleeda couldn't believe that the boy that was throwing tantrums just some minutes ago is suddenly back to his normal cute face after he's being talked to by kamil.

  Kamil gave Waleeda a short willing smile before standing up , he walk with slow steps until he reached the balcony's door . He opened the door and stepped out , Waleeda quickly followed behind him .

Kamil returned to the parlor with the support of the wall that always managed to help him know and feel his way , kamil reached the living room and settled on his former seat .

"Kamil ! Abubakar said they have to get going" Muhsin informed his son who's already seated in his former space.

Abubakar and his daughter left the house after giving a proper farewell to Muhsin's family. Waleeda was the first to reach the car but had to wait for her father to open the car with the key that he always keep with him .

They got back home around thirty minutes pass four . Munira was in the kitchen when she saw them coming back , she dropped the spoon she was holding and clean her sweaty palms with a napkin before heading towards the living room to meet the rest that are already seated in the parlor's worn out sofa .

"Good evening Mama " Waleeda greeted as she bent down her respectfully.

"Evening Waleeda " Munira replied, she walked and sat beside her husband on the brown sofa that sinked  inside small when one sits one it .

  Waleeda got up to her room with the excuse of 'she wants to pray' but apart from that, she also doesn't want to hear her mother bouncing questions at her about kamil unstoppably .

After praying, she carried her Samsung and laid on her white bed. The day went on normally as usual .

The next morning, Waleeda was surprisingly the first person to wake up in the house , she woke up with a yawn and stretched out her two hands .

She then freshened up into  a blue Abaya with a matching veil on her head . She left her room to the kitchen , Waleeda carried the broom  and swept the whole house . On normal days it's Munira that use to sweep the house  but Waleeda felt like there will be no harm to help , moreover , she's the only one awake .

She then washed her hands with the intention of washing away whatever microorganism her biology teacher told her when she was in secondary school.

She opened the store room and carried out five indomie noodles to cook as breakfast.
Waleeda would have added some eggs to supplement it but there is no egg in the house . 'It's too expensive nowadays' was what her father told her mother when she asked why he doesn't buy eggs anymore.

  After cooking, she arranged the small dining table and went to watch in the parlor.
Waleeda was interestingly watching when she heard her mother's loud footsteps that's easily recognizable.

  "Good morning Mama " Waleeda greeted with a bow and returned back to sit down .
Abubakar followed shortly after Munira's arrival in a white kaftan and a white cap .

  Waleeda greeted him as she examined his dressing from head to toe . Abubakar is wearing complete white outfits from his cap down to his shoe . This means one thing ! 'They're going back to Muhsin's house '

Abubakar only put on kaftan when he's going out so Waleeda could only guess the obvious.
  What's with the all-white cloths Abu ? " Munira asked her husband as she help him to repair his cap .

He smiled lightly before replying "we are going to Muhsin's house to talk about the marriage ......and I also want to fit in to their dressing style only white for today  "

Abubakar turned around to look at the environment that had been swept by Waleeda and from there he could sight the food flask and plate arranged on the dining table through the transparent dining curtain .

"You'll really make a great wife " He said to Waleeda who then gave a short forced smile .

They all went and took their seats as Abubakar opened the food flask . He then made a displeasing look and closed it back .

"Is this not Childrens' food ? Indomie for me ? "he said as he point at the food questionably. Waleeda saw this coming knowing how her father is used to traditional food like tuwo.

"Baba everyone eats indomie not only Childrens . " Waleeda replied , unsure whether it was proper to say this or not .

He simply hissed and stood up . "Meet me in the car when you're done " Abubakar said and left . Munira and Waleeda exchanged gazes before bursting into a laugh when Abubakar was out of sight .

"Don't mind him , I'm sure he wanted to eat it ! I know my husband " Munira said as she starts to eat the indomie she has just served herself. Waleeda simply starts to eat her food believing that her father was just overreacting.

Waleeda bid a goodbye to her mother after eating before going to join Abubakar in his car .

She quickly entered the front seat and sat down . Abubakar inserted the car key and started the car .

Waleeda requested to go and open the gate while Abubakar should drive the car out as she closes it again but Abubakar warned her sternly by saying "No girls never open gate ! "

Waleeda stretched her beach on the seat more as Abubakar returned back to the drivers seat after opening the gate . He then drove the car out and came out to close the gate back .

He started driving the car and from the way he took a left corner instead of a right corner , Waleeda already realized that he's following the same shortcut he followed last time .



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