Chapter 28

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  "Are you confessing to like me Kamil ? " Waleeda asked her husband who seems to have indirect ways of confessing his feelings. "Anyhow you want to take it Waleelee . " Kamil replied with a shrug of his broad shoulders as he stood up from the couch preparing to leave the awkward atmosphere of the room .

  "Wait.. you're leaving ? " Waleeda asked when she noticed that he has gotten up from the couch and is now making his way towards the door . "Do you want me to stay ? " Kamil asked Waleeda who then replied "I'll be bored . " She replied .

  At that particular time , Waleeda's phone beeped as the call of adhan for the isha prayer was heard through her phone that's on her bed . The two humans stayed quiet until the call of adhan stopped . "Let's pray here . " Waleeda said to Kamil pointing at her prayer mat that's folded on the table .

  "I was planning to go to the mosque . " Kamil replied seeing as he always pray in the mosque especially when he could see in the night . "Or..let's go to the mosque together ? " Kamil asked Waleeda who nodded her head in agreement.

  "Cool , I'll go and change . " Kamil replied and walked out of the room to his own room . Waleeda matched towards her closet to put on a hijab , she pulled out a long dark green gown with a matching dark green jilbab and put it on tying the strings of the jilbab behind her head .

Waleeda carried her phone and quickly stepped out of the room after she's satisfied with her covered look , she walked to Kamil's room and knocked on the door yet she heard no reply . Waleeda knocked again yet she got the same silent treatment , she knocked and knocked and knocked yet she got the same no reply.

Waleeda pushed open the well structured door stepping her legs inside the cold room , Waleeda's eyes widen when she saw Kamil's bare upper body that looks so well built as he put on his dark green jallabiya, she quickly turned around to give him his privacy while Kamil just chuckled at her reaction .

"Waleelee you're my halal .There's no need to knock . " Kamil said to Waleeda after putting on his jallabiya While Waleeda just stood still trying to unsee what she has just seen .  "It doesn't matter you fool , I'm not supposed to see your body like that . " Waleeda replied still looking the opposite way with a tinted cheeks .

Kamil walked and held her small hand into his own as they walk down stairs to the mosque hoping they'll not be late "You look nice like this . " Kamil said to Waleeda gesturing to her outfit that has covered her body from head to toe leaving only her beautiful face into view .

"I Know . " Waleeda replied as they walked down the stairs. "Ouch.." Kamil responded holding his chest dramatically as if her words has punched his chest .

Waleeda walked down the stairs with Kamil beside her , they met Khalil downstairs dressed in a blue jallabiya on his way to the mosque so they decided to go all together .

The mosque isn't far so they all agreed to walk by foot , moreover they'll get more reward if they walk to the mosque rather than using car . Waleeda walked with Khalil in between her and Kamil . They all exited the house and continue to walk towards the mosque trying to be as fast as possible so that they'll not miss jam'i .

When they reached the mosque's wide  black gate  , Waleeda was for a moment absorbed into the grandness and holiness of the mosque with brown painted tall walls and natural stoned smooth floor . "See the females' side's door , when the prayer is over just stand by the gate and we'll come to get you . " Kamil said to Waleeda before entering the males' side of the mosque together with Khalil.

Waleeda walked into the large room that has
   'أنثى' boldly written on top of it , the Arabic word for 'FEMALE' . She removed her flats by the entrance close to the countless number of females' shoes  outside the females' praying room . Waleeda stepped into the mosque and quickly joined the jam'i beside a woman she definitely doesn't know .

It was only when the prayers ended that Waleeda turned to look at her surrounding , the females' praying room is quite large , Atleast large enough to fit over hundred women at a time, there's a medium sized cupboard that instead of placing cups , QURANS was placed there neatly arranged in rows .

"As Salam. " A voice said to Waleeda while Waleeda turned to face the woman beside her as she replied "Was Salam . " to the dark skinned woman dressed in long black hijab .
"Nadia here . " The woman introduced with a smile . "Maryam Waleeda but I prefer Waleeda. " Waleeda introduced herself to the woman .

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman masha Allah . " Nadia said to Waleeda who smiled even more after being praised . "May Allah keep you smiling. " Nadia said to Waleeda after noticing her smile.

"Thank you, I've to go now . " Waleeda said remembering how Kamil told her to wait by the gate for him . Waleeda exchanged numbers with Nadia before exiting the mosque , she quickly put on her shoes and hurried towards the gate . Waleeda saw Kamil standing by the gate with Khalil beside him so she walked towards them and stopped right in front of them .

"Let's go . " Kamil said as he took hold on Waleeda hand and Khalil's hand to make sure of their safety . "I have made a new friend ." Waleeda said as they walk back home walking by the side of the brightly lit busy road .

"But I'm your top friend right ? " Khalil turned to ask Waleeda as they keep walking towards the gate of their home making Kamil to lightly smack the back of  Khalil's head .  "You're talking to my wife here . " Kamil said to his brother as they crossed the gate of the house now making their way into the house .

"Kamilll.. don't do that again . " Waleeda said to Kamil as she snatch Khalil from his hand holding him close to prevent any more smacking.  "You're suppose to be supporting me Waleelee . " Kamil stated giving a side glance to Waleeda.

"Waleelee ..? " Khalil asked with a smile on his face surprised upon hearing the nickname that he's not familiar with .
Waleeda simply stayed mute as they continue to walk into the house until they reached a point where everyone departed to their rooms including Kamil.

Waleeda entered her room closing the door behind her back , she removed her jilbab and put on a sleeveless grey night wear that has a baggi top and a baggi trousers . She jumped on her bed hugging her pillow tight and that's how her eyes closed as she starts to sleep .

Author : Thank you for reading SEE .
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And do check out my other stories : MIGRATION , HEART SHADES and MIXED ACADÉMIE .

And for those that like to recite  DU'AS then check out DIALY DEEN .

Thanks for the support.

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