Chapter 23

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  " Kamil , what did Hibbatullah do to you ? " Waleeda asked knowing that she's getting too far with her questions yet she need answers , she has the right to know about his past .

Kamil instantly removed his hand from Waleeda's hand as he start to look elsewhere making it obvious that he doesn't like to talk about his past , his unplanned past .

Waleeda reached out for his palm holding it tightly against her small palm making Kamil to turn and face her as if he could see her .

She watch as he took a deep breath and start to speak " She was a maid here..but I.. thinking about it I don't even know how I started loving her and ... " Kamil started speaking at the same time pausing mid sentence to catch his breath .

  " What did she do to your eyes Kamil ? "Waleeda asked , her gaze moving from his hand to his eyes .  Khalil had told her that Kamil could see when Hibbatullah was here but when she left he couldn't , this has to mean something.

"Ritual with my eyes . " Kamil replied releasing a low chuckle that sounded nothing like a real chuckle rather it sounded like a painful chuckle .

" she only needed a strand of my hair and she got it .. buried it make me to loose my sight.. . " Kamil continued speaking while Waleeda just listened , she couldn't believe he is allowing Hibbatullah to stay after all that she did .

"You know your eyes still look normal Right ? " Waleeda said to him to cheer up his mood that she has spoiled by asking about Hibbatullah .

"But it doesn't feel normal , Waleeda I can not see now. " Kamil replied .

"In the day... you can only not see in the day but at night you can . " Waleeda said to Kamil still holding his hand supportingly .

"That's why I let her stay , I do need my sight back , I need it back . " Kamil responded feeling eager to get his eyes back , feeling eager to be able to see in the day again . He miss seeing the early morning sky that always manages to calm his heart .

"You will get it back Kamil , but you can not just trust her , you can't just trust what she said to you Kamil. " Waleeda replied scared that Hibbatullah might be cooking up something more dangerous , something that might even make Kamil to loose his sight completely.

"I trust her . " These three words that Kamil said to Waleeda made her to feel a pang in her heart , a sharp pain that passed as soon as it came . She's unfamiliar with this feeling , is she perhaps jealous ? Jealous that Kamil still trust Hibbatullah .

"Kamil , you still love her ..don't you ? " Waleeda asked hoping the answer will be what she wants to hear . Kamil just kept quiet and didn't reply Waleeda.

Waleeda wiped a drop of tear that slid down her cheek before getting up to stand "Your silence has answered my question. " Waleeda said planning to leave the room when Kamil suddenly held her wrist .

"I don't love her. " Kamil said dragging Waleeda's wrist to make her sit back on the queen sized bed . His hand was still on her wrist even after she has sat down .

" That's a relief . " Waleeda replied internally happy that her husband's heart is not with Hibbatullah .

Kamil have her an amused smile , he didn't hide his surprise because it was shown clearly in his face .

" I don't want to stay in the room all day , I think I'm fine now . " Waleeda changed the topic into a much better one .

" No , you need to rest. . . your body is still hot . " Kamil said after touching Waleeda's forehead that still felt hot .

"you know we have a family reunion in this house next week right ? " Kamil asked while Waleeda simply nodded her head remembering that he has already told her about it when they were in the dining room .

"I'll probably be fine by next week . " Waleeda replied to assure her extremely concerned husband that seems to care too much .

" Your parents should also come ..." Kamil suggested seeing as they are also a part of the family now that he has married their beautiful daughter .

"I'll call them later and inform them about it . " Waleeda replied, she doesn't know wether her mother will be able to make it to this house without vomiting in the car , and she definitely doesn't know wether her father will come or claim he's too busy .

" Kamil , I'm bored . " Waleeda said while looking at Kamil who is simply sitting in front of her on the bed as if he's guarding her , she's not used to staying in her room all the time without doing anything.

"Is my face not enough to entertain you ? " Kamil replied .

"Wait. . . What ? " Waleeda blurted out not understanding his words .

" You stare at it too much Waleeda. " Kamil responded motioning to his face with his finger .

"How did you know ? Are you sure you can not see ? " Waleeda asked as she stare at his eyes to see wether he's deceiving her but deep down, she knows he is not deceiving her .

"Waleeda I can't see but I can surely feel it when someone is looking at me . " Kamil replied.

"You know you should be glad that I'm looking at you , when I was in secondary school all the boys fall at my feet begging for me to se my eyes on them . " Waleeda braggingly said , talking about 'school ' , she doesn't know when she'll return to her University now that she's married.

She has just less than two years to finish her law course since she's twenty six now while Kamil who is already a working man is twenty nine .

"All I can say is 'Alhamdulillah' to God for giving me this wife . " Kamil playfully said to Waleeda who lightly smacked his hand in reply "what do you mean by this wife ? " She asked yet got no reply from Kamil who is simply staring at her , as if he could see her .

Waleeda wanted to ask another question about Hibbatullah but she knows how talking about Hibbatullah annoys him so she decided not to , she clearly has no intention of getting him annoyed.

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