Chapter 36

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  Waleeda sprayed her soft prayer mat facing the kibla , kamil was in front of her while she stood just behind him as they pray with full attention. She was glad that he could stand and pray even when he couldn't see.

Waleeda folded the prayer mat when they finished praying placing it on its former position . She returned to sitting on her bed while Kamil turned to leave the room yet Waleeda called him back as he has forgotten to carry his phone.

"Your phone. " Waleeda said to Kamil just as his hand touched the door handle . "Is this an indirect way of calling me back ? " Kamil teased with his hand still on the door handle .

Waleeda rolled her eyes even though she knows he couldn't see the eye roll .
"Anyhow you want to take it . " Waleeda said to Kamil copying what he said to her some days ago .

"Using my own words against me now Waleelee. " Kamil said to Waleeda who couldn't understand why he likes to prolong conversations that involves her in it .

Waleeda simply stayed mute not knowing what to say ."I'll carry the phone later . " Kamil said before exiting the room leaving Waleeda all bored on her own . For the first time in history, Waleeda suddenly miss his presence  .

After staying in her room for what feel like years that is actually just a few minutes , Waleeda decided to join Kamil's relatives that are downstairs hoping she's not going towards disturbance. She put on a white Abaya over her orange body hug before spraying the perfume she got from Kamil , imperial majesty .

Waleeda arranged her bed before exiting her room , she could hear noises from Kamil's room when she got out and she already pitied his ears knowing that his relatives are probably disturbing him with questions .

She walked towards the stairs by her left walking down as slow as she could mainly so as not to reach them early , Waleeda met Khalil running up the stairs with a small kid that looks like he's around Khalil's age following after him giggling . 

"Good evening Aunt Waleeda. " Khalil greeted before running past Waleeda with the boy following after him . Waleeda didn't know that Khalil knows how to do all this type of rough play that'll definitely end up getting one of them injured . She walked towards the living room that's still full with the same people she met before .

Waleeda walked towards them with a smile on her face making her to appear more charming than before , smile always adds to her beauty .  

"Waleeda come here dear . " Karima , a very fair short woman with a straight and sharp nose , who is Muhsin's mother and also a grandmother to Kamil said to Waleeda patting the empty seat beside her on the couch.

Waleeda walked towards the seat as she sat beside Karima looking at the beautiful faces that she is now a little bit familiar with.
"We were just talking about you and Kamil so you came at the right time. " Aunt Farida said to Waleeda giving her a wide smile to ease Waleeda's nerves.

"About me ...? " Waleeda asked wondering what they'll possibly be saying about her , it looks like all the topic is either about her or about Kamil , probably because they are the newly wed.

"I was wondering when to be expecting a great grandson . " Karima said to Waleeda with dreamy hopeful eyes while Waleeda suddenly starts to cough out her nervousness with her cheeks turning a shade of pink .

It's barely a month yet Kamil's grandmother is already talking about grandson when they are only just starting to like each other.

"Waleeda I have something to show you come. " Khadijah suddenly blurted out trying to save Waleeda from the awkward environment which she successfully did by pulling Waleeda's arm as they walk outside exiting the gate sized white door making their way towards super large surrounding of the house .

"Sorry about that . " Khadijah said to Waleeda as they continue to walk outside, Waleeda was simply following beside Khadijah .
"It's fine , really . "  Waleeda replied with a smile to support her motion .

"That's how she is though, a day after I got married to Muhsin she started asking me when to expect a grandson  . " Khadijah said to Waleeda as she rolled her eyes while Waleeda just chuckled imagining the images in her head .

"Let me give you a proper tour of the house . " Khadijah said to Waleeda who felt more than glad to hear that since she'll love to know each and very inch of the mansion .

Waleeda quietly followed Khadijah as they walked on the gravels that is situated in between flowers .

Khadijah pulled Waleeda's arm towards a transparent gate that was quickly opened by a gardener . Waleeda stepped into the place following after Khadijah into what looks like a botanical garden full of roses and flowers of different specie.

"This is the garden. I enjoy coming here . " Khadijah said touching the colorful roses with her hand . Waleeda walked across the garden exploring each and every inch of it .
"It's beautiful . " Waleeda said touching the flowers that felt soft between her fingers .

Khadijah and Waleeda walked out of the garden after exploring it , Waleeda quietly followed behind Khadijah that's guiding her towards another place , they stopped infront of a pretty large black door which Khadijah pushed open as they entered inside .

"This is the gym , it's usually occupied by the boys actually. " Khadijah said while Waleeda turned to look around the large gym that's spacious and filled with gymnastics equipment arranged orderly .

They left the gym continuing to walk towards the next venue , Waleeda followed behind Khadijah until they stopped in front of a large glass door that's translucent .

Waleeda couldn't see what's behind the door until they entered inside . Her eyes widen in surprise as setting her eyes on the largest swimming pool she has ever seen . It's square shaped with clean chlorinated water filled in it .

"And this is the swimming area . " Khadijah said to Waleeda earning a smile in response .

The rest of the tour was stressing to Waleeda , she was shown the event hall where home events are held like birthday parties  , a football pitch , tennis court and basketball pitch at the far end of the house , the parking lot which she has already been to before , the maids quarters and lastly the guest quarters where guest stay .

"Thank you for the tour mama . " Waleeda said to Khadijah before strolling up the stairs .

At last , Waleeda was more than glad to return to her room after the tiring tour around the mansion which took hours , her legs ache from walking around from door to door . 

She opened the door to her room immediately jumping on her bed to soothe and relax  her aching legs .

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