Chapter 27

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   Waleeda stepped into her room with her new tail , Kamil who's always coming to ensure that she has taken her medication . They both sat down on the couch that's in the large room . Waleeda reached out for her medicine and swallowed it with the ways available nestle bottle water in her room . 

  "Kamil , there's someone I want you to meet tomorrow. " Waleeda said intending to take Kamil to a well known religious Imam that lives just next to her parents home . The imam definitely knows some prayers that she'll be able to do to get Kamil's sight back , she hates seeing his sightless in the morning and afternoon.

  "And who is that ? " Kamil asked inquiringly , he wonders who she'll introduce him to .
"It's an imam... " Waleeda started speaking but was cut off by Kamil who said "Waleelee , please. I told you Hibbatullah will help . "

   "Kamil , I can't trust her . I believe this imam will help just as much . Please just give me a chance and meet up with him tomorrow. " Waleeda pleaded knowing that they are prayers that'll definitely help . Prayers that they'll get to know from the imam.

Kamil just stayed quiet looking at Waleeda who's giving him a puppy eyes look , a look that's too cute to be ignored . "Those eyes... fine I'll meet up with him . " Kamil said in defeat as he lost due to the dolly eyes that were staring at him with hope .

Waleeda squealed in joy as she wrapped her hands around Kamil's waist immersing him into a tight hug which he responded by hugging her back with his hands around her small body .

  "So tomorrow after dinner then ?" Waleeda inquired as she pulled back from the hug with Kamil doing the same . He seemed quiet surprised on how she suddenly hugged him simply because he agreed on going to the imam's place .

    "Yes , tomorrow after dinner. " Kamil responded after pulling back .  Waleeda inhaled her cloth and smiled satisfyingly "Great I also scent like smooth vanilla , musk and vetiver just like you . "  Waleeda said leaving Kamil sitting in front of her with a confused expression on his face .

"So you just hugged me to scent like me ? " Kamil asked with a small confusing frown on his face , he can't believe someone will hug another person just for their scent . Especially not his wife .

"Yes.."  Waleeda honestly replied with a smile on her face , this is her first halal hug as a married woman , halal indeed is nice .
"If you wanted the perfume then you should have just told me . " Kamil responded.

"I don't see anything wrong with me getting the scent from you . " Waleeda replied and continue to inhale her cloths enjoying its new scent that's  extremely strong . Waleeda continued to speak "Moreover I'm still annoyed that you hugged another girl when you already have a wife so don't think I've forgotten or so.."

Kamil facepalmed himself wondering when Waleeda started caring about who he associates with .
"Waleelee it's the other way round, she hugged me ,  I didn't hug her. "  Kamil said to Waleeda who internally rolled her eyes and replied "it's the same thing . You two still hugged each other . "

"I apologize for that as the gentleman I am . " Kamil replied with a small bow of his head dramatically.  "An apology won't just solve everything." Waleeda replied not accepting his gentleman apology.
"Then what do you want ? " Kamil asked raising his right eyebrow inquiringly.

"I want you to walk to Hibbatullah tomorrow and tell her to never hug you again , you should tell her that you're already meant for someone else . " Waleeda replied satisfyingly with a silly smile . Waleeda was surprised when Kamil simple asked  "Is that all ? " making Waleeda to nod her head , a nod that says 'yes that's all '.

"You have to do it in front of me . " Waleeda said even though she knows that he'll do it even if she's not there yet she just want to see how it'll go .

  "Fine , I'll do it in front of you . I don't know what you think I have for Hibbatullah but it's definitely not love . I don't think I can love again after that... " Kamil replied stopping midway on his sentence .

Waleeda stayed quiet as Kamil gave her a deep stare with his eyes as if he's studying her ,           "I don't think I can love again... but I think there's an exception when it comes to you ."

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