Chapter 3

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A fair- skinned woman appeared coming out with the small boy by her side. She has wide cute eyes like that of the boy but her eyebrows aren't so full, just medium in size.

Her nose is not pointed but it fits her face so much that made her even more beautiful.
Waleeda couldn't help but turned to stare at the woman even more. She wonder wether everyone is just beautiful in this house. Their XY genes of hereditary literally screams 'Handsome' while their XX genes screams 'beautiful.'

"Abubakar! Welcome " The woman who happens to be Khadijah, Muhsin's wife and also from a royal family, elegantly greeted, she walked and sat down on the other sofa and that's when Waleeda noticed the white dress that she's wearing, it has some green flowery designs on it.

She's even wearing a white scarf that's neatly tied on her head. Abubakar stood up giving a short bow before sitting down.Waleeda tried her best to notice any strange interactions that her father might give the woman so that she'll save it for her mother later, thankfully for her everything seemed normal.

Waleeda also greeted the woman with a small smile on her face, a small smile that still looks genuine.

"You are Waleeda, right ? "  The woman asked Waleeda who then nodded in response .

"I'm so happy to meet you and I'm Khadijah." The woman continued speaking, her voice full of authority yet so friendly and motherly at the same time.

"Same." Waleeda shortly replied nervously.

A few minutes later, a middle aged woman dressed in a green and white outfit of housemaids came in with a tray of drinks and water which she immediately left after dropping it on the center table.

She later returned with three containers of food and dropped  it on the same table, lastly, she returned with some fruits on a tray covered with a transparent leather and dropped it gently.

She then turned and gave a small bow to Waleeda and Abubakar and lastly gave a deep bow to Khadijah.

"Is that all Madame ?" The woman who seem to be a maid asked Khadijah.

"Don't you know who to ask wether a food is enough or not ?" Khadijah said to the maid in a very courageous and majestic voice as if she is tired of telling the woman the same thing I've rand over again.

The maid mumbled a sorry to Khadijah then turned to ask Abubakar and Waleeda "Is that all or do you need something  else ?" the maid asked.

"Some yoghurt please." Abubakar was fast to speak in a commanding voice as if he owns the house. While Waleeda on the other hand shook her head saying she doesn't need anything.

The maid left to go and get the yogurt that Abubakar requested for. For the whole time Abubakar and Khadijah continued talking more about Waleeda's and Kamil's union.

Waleeda didn't know what to say or do when they call her name trying to involve her into their gist so she just nod in support of a motion or smile when one of them say something funny or close to that.

Waleeda feel uncomfortable sitting while the two elders gist so she requested leaving for home.

"Muhsin will soon be here so please stay for some more time ." Khadijah pleaded when Waleeda brought the idea of going home as she feel so uncomfortable and so left out in the conversation, not that she is interesting in joining it.

After some reasonable amount of time, A tall man came inside the large parlor looking as tired as you can imagine in a suit as if he just returned from office or so.

He doesn't really look like Khadijah nor does he look like the small boy who look so cute rather he looks so mature with his broad shoulders and sharp nose.

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