chapter 17

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Jisung pov.

When he kissed me I knew perfectly what to do. I learned with lix but he still sucks at it. I played with his hair untel we were forced to pull away cuz oxygen.

"What are you so nervous about? You're so damn great." Minho told me and I blushed.

"You're my first kiss except lix." I told him and he looked surprised.

"Wait really? That's actually great. I think we should go back. Just don't be nervous, you're really great." Minho told me and walked off.

I walked back on the set this time feeling confident and ready for what's going to happen. The camera started and we started playing.

I knew exactly what to do. I had to come closer and kiss him first. I have to push him on the couch and sit on his lap. I replayed everything in my mind and looked at him.

He just smirked and that confused me.

He walked closer and placed his hands on my hips. I have no idea what to do but I will just play along. I placed my hands around his neck little confused. He pulled his face closer to mine and I panicked, I let him do whatever he wants and trushed him.

He kissed me and I kissed him back. He lead the kiss, I'm not used to not leading the kiss. I always lead the kiss when I kiss lix, I'm still trying totaech him but he's really bad. Minho is different, he's really skilled.

I let him lead the kiss as that's more comfortable for me, he picked me up and placed me on the table.

We continued to kiss hungrily as the kiss became more heated and he started kissing my neck, he left a hickey. I moaned a little. He started unbottoning my shirt and kissed my collarbone. I was playing with his hair the whole time.

"CUT!" We heard our director yell.

Minho groaned in dissatisfaction as I giggled, he helped me off the table by holding my waist as I jumped down.

His hands were still on my waist as I was already on the ground. We turned towards our director and he smiled.

"Well, that wasn't exactly in the script but it was perfect. Hot and sexy! Just how I wanted. You did a great job guys." He told us and we smiled while bowing our heads.

"Okay everyone! That's all for today, you all can go home." He said and started leaving.

Everyone started packind up and I looked at minho with questionable look.

"What?" He asked still holding me by my waist.

"What do you mean what?! What did you do? That wasn't in the script, you made me nervous again." I said blushing.

"I like leading these things so I did what I wanted. You were fucking perfect so there's no need to be nervous. Remember for the next time." He said and pecked my lips which made me look at him in shock.

He just chuckled looking at me with a very strange look in his eyes. I looked in his eyes as well and I almost got lost in them.

Just when his face started getting closer to mine we heard someone yell.

"Hey you people! Don't leave yet! We have a party tonight. Everyone has to come, no one is skipping! See you later!" I sighed in frustration as I'm just extremely exhausted.

"Well, see you later." Minho said and walked off.

I ran towards lix and chan who were waiting for me. I looked at chan with puppy eyes and lix did the same.

"No! Stop it! I'm not looking! You two are definitely coming." He said and we looked at each other disappointed.

"Why~~" lix whined. Chan sighed and patted our heads.

"You two are one of the main characters, you need to come. Everyone will notice if you don't." Chan said and we continued to whine.

"But we're exhausted hyung." I told him with a pout and he nodded.

"I know I am too but we need to go. Don't worry too much I'll be there the whole time." Chan said and we finally nodded. Going home to get ready.

I really regeret taking this role sometimes but if I didn't I wouldn't be so close with minho.

For real fuck wattpad. I wrote this chapter already but it got deleted and I have no idea how. So this version is a bit different but nevermind.
Please eat well and stay safe<3


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