chapter 4

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Felix pov.

We arrived to the company and I knocked on our Boss's door. I walked in and he looked at me rolling his eyes.

"You're finally here. Okay, let's weight you, you look like you've gained some weight. You know that you can't right? You have to give the feminine vibe which you don't have because you're fat." He said and I looked down.

"Hmm, 47. That's not that terrible, we can work with this. I was worried you would break my scale for a while. Just by you stepping on it." I looked down feeling guilty, maybe he's right.

"What do you mean? He's already so light, you're forcing him to loose more weight which is not fair, I'm afraid that he'll have anorexia if this continues." Chan told him and he scoffed.

"You shut up! Or maybe do you want me to give felix and jisung another manager?!" He asked and chan quieted down.

Han is really lucky that they gave him different Boss. He was supposed to have the same one as I do but in the end he got different one, so now chan needs to listen to two idiots instead of one. If you ask me then I would tell you jisungs boss is really chill but don't make him angry.

He let us go and we went home. We were silent in the car so I eventually fell asleep.

Chan pov.

I've had enough I can't stant that idiot anymore, I'll make sure felix will be sent to jisungs boss.

Lixie fell asleep to I picked him up and brought him to his room, jisung and felix don't share room but jisung is always sleeping in there. I wasn't even surprised when I found him in his bed.

I placed lixie down and laid in the middle of these two, they immediately snuggled closer to me from each side as they do everytime. I fell asleep shortly after I put a blanket over us.

Hyunjin pov.

I finished my photoshoot and finally changed into my clothes. I was sitting in my car looking at the Instagram trying to find felix.

I found him.

I found him

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Leefelix_official: today's photoshoot 💚❤️ 1,257,946 💬 635,2743 hours ago

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Leefelix_official: today's photoshoot 💚
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I was so disgusted by some of the comments. They are so disrespectful and aome of them also disgusting and perverted. There were so many comments saying how they wanna fuck him and I couldn't help myself but to feel jealous.

I actually kind aknow how felix feel. I'm happy I can finally tell someone how that bitch on the camp treated me.
I was on a camp and suddenly they wanted to weight us, I never understood why but I just let myself.
I weighed exactly 47 kg (103 pounds) (sorry if I'm not right it's through the internet) and she told me I'm fat and I should lose some weight. It was this year and my height is like 157 cm (5'2) so I thought I weight normal. After she told me I'm fat I started to think she's right and that's how my ED started.
Please eat well and stay safe<3


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