Part 5

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Third day in this job and I'm adoring every minute of it. The girls are really well behaved. Peter and his gang hardly ever ask for help as they are smart kids anyway. Its a very easy job and what makes it more enjoyable is that i get to spend it with my little princess. Scott made me get a dating app yesterday and im hating every moment of it. Im having these weirdo's asking me for nudes and asking for sex. No i don't want any random person.

Also me and tony have gotten closer. He is such a flirt i love it. I have to say there is quite a few flirts in this compound but tony has really caught my eye. I go down his lab and help him sometimes just to pass the time away and its relaxing. I understand why he loves it down there so much.

I was currently sat on the sofa playing with the baby. The kids were in the toy room next door. Everyone else was doing their own thing so i was alone with the baby. It was nice but i just want someone to talk to who can answer back.

Scott was training with hope so i couldn't ask him. Bruce was busy with Steve in the garden doing something god knows what. Nat is a good option but her and clint are talking in the kitchen so I decided do go and see Tony.

I pick the baby up and place her in my arms and i grab her little bag as i always carry it around with me and head down to his lab. I knocked on the door and it opened revealing peter.

"Oh hey stell, come on in we thought it was pepper. We wasn't gonna answer" he says.

"Why wasn't you gonna answer?" I ask walking in.

"She nags too much. I have a press conference to go to tomorrow and I don't want to go" tony says looking up at me.

I stared for a few seconds because he was in a tank top with jeans and he was full of grease. It was hot.

"Stell?" Peter asks.

"Oh sorry day dreaming. Quite tired today" i laugh.

"What brings you down here?" Tony asks wiping his hands in a rag.

"Nothing really just thought i would come sit with you. I talk to the baby and she doesn't answer so i thought i would speak to someone who will actually answer" i laugh.

"Good luck. He never answers when he got his tinkering brain on" peter says

Tony throws a sponge at him and i laugh.

"Whats the deal with you two? Are you like father and son or something?" I ask.

"He is like a dad to me. Best father figure i have ever had anyway" peter says throwing the sponge back at him.

I smile at them both and tony smirks at peter.

"He is like a son to me ain't you kid. Anyway while your down here stell please help" he says.

"With what?" I ask.

"He had a new computer and he pressed Espaniol so now its written in spanish and we don't know how to change it back as we can't speak spanish" peter laughs.

"Deal for you then. One of you can feed my child while i sort the computer out and one of you can go make me a cup of tea" i smirk.

"See you in a second!" Peter says rushing out the door.

"That answers who is feeding her then" i laugh.

He holds is hands out and i check him over to see if he has grease but he was okay so i handed her to him. His hand brushed against mine and i had shivers and butterflies. God this man has something over me and i cant shift it. I hardly know the guy.

"So how do i feed her? There is a microwave over there if you have to warm the milk up" he says

"Oh thanks. Its not hard trust me. I will warm the milk up now and show you" i laugh.

I show him how long to put it in for and how to test to see if its the right temperature. I then lay the baby the right way in his arms and place the bottle in her mouth and he holds the bottle with his other hand.

"I will sort the computer out and once she is finished i will show you how to wind her" i say.

He nods and i sit in his seat by his desk and start to sort it. I had to look at them and they were both staring into each others eyes.

"You are a natural with that" I compliment him.

"Thanks. I have fed little ones before but they were a few months old not a few weeks. If you don't mind me asking why did alex leave you?" He asks.

I look at the computer and type.

"As soon as i found out i was pregnant i told him and the next day he has packed his things up and left. Haven't heard off him since. It hurts knowing that she won't have a father figure growing up. Me and my love life isn't the best. I just cant be arsed scott but me on a dating app and none of them caught my attention" i say typing away.

"You will find someone trust me. You and Little aliza deserve to be treated like royalty" he says.

I look at him and smile a little. Im in love with him Wait no i have known him three days. Maybe i like him. Im to scared to admit it.

"Thank you. Anyway its back to English for you now. Can i ask though this looks like one of your old suits due to the scratches and things why are you tinkering with it if you have loads more?" I ask.

"Funny story actually. It was supposed to electrocute with the hands but when i tried it the other day for the first time it started vibrating. I wasn't gonna change it as its a potch but i will have a look into it" he says

I nod and i look over and see that the baby had finished her bottle. I walk over to them and show tony how to wind her properly. It was cute to see him trying and when she did burp he make a little smile.

"Heres your tea" peter says interrupting me staring.

"Thanks pete" i smile taking it off him.

"Im going out now with Mj and ned probably just around town. Need anything?" Peter asks tony.

"No, but do me a favour. Don't take the suit. I really cannot be arsed to fix it again" tony says rolling his eyes.

"Fine. Bye stell" peter says.

"Bye kiddo" i smile.

He leaves and tony hands the baby to me. He walks back over and starts to do the computer. I smile to myself and wonder how the fuck can i tell him i fancy him.

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