Part 38

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Well everyone had their sleep. The glove was ready. Pepper happy and the kids i used one of strange's portals and put them through to the tower. Even though we don't use it. Everything is still there like it was before.

"We should of just found baby thanos and killed him" rhodes says.

"Sad. I wouldn't be here" nebula says.

"True but i hate your dad and i want him dead" rhodes says.

"Enough with the bloody chit chat" bruce says.

"What is gonna happen?" Tony asks.

"I will put the glove on as the gammer in it is strong. I will snap my fingers and boom we are back" bruce says.

"No" steve says.

We all look at him strange.

"We only can bring back who we lost. Don't change the past. Few days or not we can't go changing anything" steve says.

"Yeah good idea" nat says.

While they were all talking i made my way to the glove and i started to cry. I slipped it on my hand and fuck it burnt like hell.

"STELLA NO!" Scott shouts but it was too late it was already going up my arm.

Bruce literally pounces over to me

"I need them back!" I shout.

He takes it off my hand and my hand was red.

"You could of lost your hand. Mg big guy can handle it. Trust me i will get them back" bruce whispers to me.

"Im sorry" i whisper back.

"Tony look after your girl" bruce says as he leads me to tony.

"Suit up everyone!" Steve says.

We head to get changed and i used one of nats old suits. Tony looked at me and smirked

"Your mine. I cant believe it" he says walking up to me in his suit

"All yours but at the moment everyone needs us so please don't tease me" i smirk.

"After all this is over. Me you and the baby are going on a little holiday to a cabin in the woods" he says holding my hand.

"Well maybe we can bring peter and mj and ned along so we can have alone time at some point?" I ask.

"I will rent two cabins out" he says.

I lean up and kiss his lips and he pulls me towards him.

"We will get everyone back and i swear i will make you my wife when everything is sorted" he whispers.

"I will keep it in mind" i smirk.

"We better go" he says.

He holds out his hand but it was his suit.

"Don't worry I won't blast your hand" he laughs.

"Might be a little weird to hold a robot hand" i say.

"You enjoyed it when they were finger fucking you though" he smirks.

I shook my head and i held the hand. We walked into the room and it was now time for the scary moment. Bruce had the gauntlet in his hand ready and i was nervous for him. He turned into the hulk straight away and we all took cover. Tony put me behind his sheild with him and bruce put it on.

"Aghh" he groans.

"If its too much take it off" steve says.

"Aghh no its okay" he pants.

I could see his hand glowing and he looked as if he was about to faint so i rushed over to him but he snapped his fingers and it went dark.

"Stella i swear to god if you have died" i hear a voice

"Don't say that. Wake up pretty girl" i hear a female voice.

I groan and i open my eyes. I see nat tony and clint next to me.

"Im fine" i groan.

"Good. Thought i killed you" bruce says.

"Im good. Did it work?" I ask.

"Not sure. It seems better" scott says looking through the window.

"God i hope it has. Try ringing someone" i say as tony helps me up.

"I will" nat says.

"Uh guys is it normal for a bright light to be heading straight towards us?" Scott asks.

"Not really why?" I ask.

With that the compound got blown. The walls and floors tumble and we lose each other. It goes dark again.


"Pst stella" i hear someone and feel someone shaking me.

God that was painful.

"Hey" i say not knowing who it was.

I open my eyes and the place was literally rubble. Steve was next to me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Not sure. All scattered. Come on" he says taking my hand and helping me up.

"Nobody better be dead" i say.

"Don't think so" he replies

He still has his hand in mine as we walk through the rubble. I don't think he wants to let me go incase my clumsy ass falls. We start to see light so we make our way out and i see the others. I rush to tony and he holds me in his arms.

"Im so glad you are okay" i whisper.

"Im always okay. Are you hurt?" He asks checking me over.

"No. Im fine honestly" i smile.

He kisses the top of my head and takes my hand in his metal one.

"Whats he been doing?" Steve asks.

"Who?" I reply.

"Grape dude" rhodey says.

I turn around and thanos was sat on the rock looking in one space.

"Just sitting there" thor replies.

"We need a plan. He is definitely up to something with that look on his face" nat says beside me.

"Ahhh hey" i smile and hug her.

"Hey pretty girl" she smiles back.

"Hey romanoff back off with the pretty girl will ya. Shes mine. And she is beautiful not pretty" tony winks.

"Shut it stark" nat replied.

"Stop flirting and focus" steve snaps.

"Jealousy isn't good on you mr rogers" tony says touching steves arm.

"Can you all focus? There is a guy there thinking about ending us all and you are all firting with eachother" rocket says.

"Shush build a bear. Thor any ideas?" Tony asks him.

"Yeah. End the purple bastard and get my family back" he says.

Everyone starts walking towards him so im guessing that was the plan

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