Part 11

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After he asked can we talk i followed him down to his lab. It was the only place we could go where we wouldn't get disturbed. Tony had the baby's vibrating chair already down there so i strapped her in and put peppa pig on the tv for her. She is only still very young but she loves to be watching something even if she doesn't understand.

He sat in his chair and looked at me.

"Look im sorry I didn't want you to find out. Im probably only just a friend to you its stupid" i say sitting on the sofa part.

He stands up and follows me taking a seat right next to me.

"Its not stupid. We are both a little blind though" he says making me look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Stell i have been trying since the day you came here to get your attention and actually you know share my feelings. Im not good at this sort of thing. I compliment your outfits all the time, its hard for me as it's normally the women who want me not me want the woman. Fuck when i heard about you and barnes it stung and i was jealous I didn't show it but i was" he admits.

"And i succeeded then. I was trying to make you jealous but now i realise i should of just told you" i say.

"I should of admitted to you to stell, now how about we go on a date? Me and you" he asks.

"I would love to" i smile. "Also is that why you have been very nice towards me and looking after the baby more?" I ask.

"I look after the baby because i care about you both and who wouldn't want to look after the little angel" he says.

"You are amazing with her and I'm grateful" i say.

He looks me in the eyes and then down to my lips then back to my eyes again. I nod and thats all it takes. He leans into me and i feel myself leaning into him until the world comes crashing down and our lips touch. Moving in sync with each other it was perfect. I place my hand on either side of his face and feel his stubble and we both pull away.

"Much better than the first kiss we had" he says.

"Much much better" i laugh.

"Want to stay down here for a bit then we can go upstairs and admit to everyone what is happening?" He asks.

"Sounds fun. What are you working on anyway?" I ask.

He stands up and i follow but i check on the baby first and she was half asleep so i left her. I followed tony around to the front of the lab and i see a suit.

"Oh is that the one with the vibrating hand?" I ask.

"It was supposed to be electric don't tell the world" he says making me laugh. "But yes sweetheart that is the one with the vibrating hand" he says.

I wonder if he has used that on a woman before. Well if he has that woman is lucky. At least she can say she got finger fucked by iron man.

"Want to help sort this suit out? I need to change the mechanism in it" he asks.

I look at him like he was speaking a different language and he shakes his head.

"Just sit there and look pretty love. Also dummy don't go putting out fires that isn't actually fires" he says talking to a little robot thing.

I watch him as he works and he puts these power things on his legs. He has a remote and he starts it up.

"Look who is amazing" he says being cocky.

With that the jets push him up and he hits the roof. I let out a laugh and when he lands on the floor the dummy squirts him with something i couldn't see what it was as i was laughing too much.

"I think i have had enough for today. Come on lets go tell the others that we were blind about each other" he says.

I agree and i carefully lift the vibrating chair off the ground as she was sleeping. Tony knocks the tv off and we head upstairs. Everyone was sat around talking and nat smirks at me.

"We were blind. I tried showing her that i liked her and well she tried making me jealous so we are going on a date with each other" tony says straight away.

"Damn stark straight to the point but I literally said to thor that you two were meant for each other. I was drunk but i still said it" Clint says.

"And stell you got lucky. Tony dont really like kids" cassie says.

"Damn its not that i don't like kids but i would rather adults but this beautiful girl of stella's is a pure angel" tony says.

"Wait till she grows up she will turn out like me" i say.

"Then you can all watch out" howards says

I roll my eyes at him and peter walks towards me.

"Can we go for a walk I need fresh air" he asks.

"Why are you asking me?" I ask

"Because i want to spend time with you and im bored" he says.

I laugh and i nod.

"Grab the pram kid. Anyone else joining?" I ask.

Straight away steve and nat stand then scott and hope and cassie walks towards me.

"And of course im joining" tony whispers in my ear behind me sending shivers down my spine.

Peter walls in with the pram and I carefully swap the baby from her chair and into the pram making shh sounds so she stays asleep. We all walk to the lift and it takes us down to the first floor where we all walk outside.

"Cant believe you lied to us stell" steve says.

"Bucky was a good friend. I was scared to tell anyone as i thought i would get judged" i say.

"You will never get judged by any of us stell and we are happy as long as you and tony will be happy" nat says.

"Im happy, glad she did actually like me" tony says

"Gosh tony you don't understand how much i like you i feel like a teenager in school when my crush walks by" i laugh.

"Awh that's adorable" hope says.

It is but i hope it lasts

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