Part 25

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It was the next day. July the 3rd. We have been in tony's jet for around four hours and we were about to land. Its mad it should take 7 hours not 4 but here we are. He was sleeping with his phone in his hand and other hand resting on my thigh. The baby was strapped into her car seat next to me

"Miss garcia. We are about to land. If you would buckle up and make sure you are seated at all times from now" the co pilot said as he came up to me.

"Thank you" i smile.

He smiles back and walks away. I reach over tony and i buckle him in and he shifts in his seat as i do so.

"Tony sweetie we are here" i whisper.

I buckle myself up and he slowly wakes up.

"Sweetie? Thats new" he says in a deep voice.

"Don't get used to it" i laugh.

He doesn't say anything else he just tries to come around from his sleep. After a while the plane lands and we gather out belongings. The co pilot of this private jet helped us with our bags and we already had a car waiting for us. The baby was awake and smiling and it made me smile too.

"Hola, tu debes ser stella" the man says.

"Si, y este es mi novio tony" i smile.

"Ah tony stark. Pleasure to meet you in person and not through a tv screen" the Spanish man said.

"Hola" he says back.

"Todavía medio dormido" i laugh.

"Ah si. tener una conducción segura" the man says handing me the car keys.

"Gracias" i say.

We pack the car and i jump into the drivers side and tony puts the baby in the back and straps her in then gets into the passenger side himself I set off and luckily I remember the way to my grandparents house from here its about a 45 minute drive.

"What was that man saying?" Tony asks.

"Not a lot. He basically only said drive safe and i told him you were still half asleep" i laugh.

"Oh right. Well im awake now and if you keep looking at me with that smirk miss garcia i will finger fuck you right now as you got that mini skirt on" he says.

I blush and i feel that my panties were already drenched. God he only has to speak.


We arrived at my grandparents house and it hasn't changed one little bit. My old swing is still in the front garden all rusted and broke. The little gnome with the umbrella is there and well the beautiful view of the beach. God i have missed this place.

I knock on the door and it took a while for it to open but it opened and my grandma was stood there.

"Oh mi stella mi querida oh cómo has cambiado" she says standing down onto the patio.

I embrace her into a hug. She hugs me so tight. I have missed her hugs.

"Grandma this is tony. My boyfriend" i say pointing at tony.

"ya me gusta  sosteniendo a nuestra princesita" she winks.

"Lovely to meet you" tony says holding his hand out.

"Oh the pleasure is mine. Im meryl as you know. And my little baby. Hola darling" she says smiling at the baby. "Come on grandads waiting" she says

We head inside and the childhood memories came flooding back. Tony places the baby seat on the floor and i unstrap her and get her out. We walk into the living room my grandad was sat there cursing in Spanish at the tv.

My future husband, her future daddyWhere stories live. Discover now