Part 9

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It was now the 7th of april. Everyone has been asking questions about me and bucky and to be fair we haven't really been acting like we are together until today. He asked me in front of everyone to go on a "date" with him. I said yes but when we were alone we both agreed to dress up nice and just go for a car drive for a few hours then go back and pretend it all happened so thats what we were doing.

I had just bathed and fed the baby as it was 7pm and it was her bedtime. I was rocking her in my arms while she was drifting off to sleep. When she sleeps it hurts as all i see is alex. Like i said he would of made a brilliant father but now i have seen his true colours theres no going back and I'm falling more in love with tony each day and he doesn't even know it.

"She sleeping?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and it was bucky he scrubs up well i have to admit:

 I turn around and it was bucky he scrubs up well i have to admit:

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"Look at you mr barnes. Its a pitty its a fake date with me and not a real date with someone who deserves you" I say with a smile.

"Well look at you. There must be someone you are trying to make jealous" he smirks.

"Maybe. But lets go" i say.

I place the baby in her crib and put the baby monitor on. She is pretty good once she falls asleep as she never wakes up in the night. I close my bedroom door and me and Bucky walk downstairs. I see tony and he looks me up and down licking his bottom lip which makes me want to drop to my knees.

"Looking gorgeous" nat says giving me a smirk.

"All for one man" i say. Everyone thinks its for bucky but i know im trying to make one person want me.

"Come on doll lets go" he says taking my arm.

"Have fun but no babies" pepper shouts.

Bucky shakes his head and i laugh. We head to my car and just drive. We ended up an hour away from the compound looking over the sea. It was beautiful.

"So come on tell me. Who is the fella that you want? I want to guess Steve as he is well blonde and tall muscular but he has nat. Cant be sam for sure" he laughs.

"I will give you a hint. Im into the brunettes" i say.

"Oh god is it me?" He asks.

"You are very good looking bucky but no and also you have black ish hair" i laugh.

"Please not the spider kid" he says

"God no. Not into younger men" i say.

"Older?" He asks.

"Yeah. Don't know how much older though" i say.

"God please not howard" he says.

"Close" i smirk.

"tony?" He asks

"Chaching" i say earning a laugh from him.

"Woah surprised. Be careful with him. Used to be a playboy" he says.

"Doesn't seem like one now though" i say looking out the window.

"Oh no he stopped being a playboy but its weird he hasn't had random women over for ages. He seems different too but i will make a deal with you" he says making me turn to him.

"Go on..." i say.

"I will help you show hints to Tony and make him jealous if i can drive your car back to the compound" he smirks and handing his hand out to me.

"What sort of deal is that. I would of said yes if you asked its only a car" i laugh.

"A cool car. Nothing like back when i was born" he says making me laugh again.

"Bucky you are like a hundred of course it wont be like that. Anyway deal" i say shaking his hand.

We chat a bit more and get to know each other in a friend way and he told me about his past. I felt so sorry for him. He told me about back in the days with Steve and he showed pictures of little Steve god he has changed. I told him about my life and before we knew it it was going past 1am.

"Damn time does fly by" i say

"Come on swap seats you did promise" he says tapping my knee.

He gets out of the car and me being lazy i climb over the hand break and sit in the passenger seat. He comes back in and shakes his head.

"Lazy" he says.

"Mmh shut up and drive mr barnes. Anyway what are we gonna say our date was?" I ask.

He starts the engine and starts to drive.

"How about a beautiful restaurant date then we walked on the beach you fell in the sand bringing me down with you and we kissed the end happy ever after" he says making me laugh.

"Okay mr prince charming. You need to do that with a real girl one day" i say looking at him.

"Who said im into girls? Never know it might happen with me and sam" he says but i could tell he was joking.

"Oh yeah sorry. Mr and mr wilson" i joke.

"No it would be mr and mr barnes he is the lady by far" he says

I had to say bucky was a laugh and i do see him as a very close friend. A person i could go to to cheer me up if i was feeling down.

We arrive back in the compound and by surprise everyone was up even if it was 2am.

"Why are you lot up?" Bucky asks leaving my hand go.

"Wanted to know the deets. Come on spill im tired" wanda says.

We tell them that we went to a nice restaurant and then what happened on the beach and we said we watched the sea in the dark which wasn't a lie.

"That's adorable. Im finding it hard to believe it though" nat says.

Bucky laughs and makes me laugh

"Me too nat me too" i say.

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