Part 37

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Okay lets just say the only people who actually slept through the night was the kids. We all stayed up and sorted the Time Machine out and it was getting real now as we were all stood on the platform. We realised that one of us might not make it back but hopefully with the stones it will bring them back anyway.

"Few days ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck all" steve says.

"Damn rogers you are pretty good at that. Proper 1634 vibes" i say.

"I was born in 1918 stella. Not that old" he says.

"Be safe all of you. Come back in one piece please" pepper says.

I blow a kiss to the baby and we buckle our hoods up. Then it pushes us through. It was a weird feeling but when we landed i landed straight on my ass.

"still clumsy" scott smirks.

Tony helps me up and i brush myself down.

"Come on. Keep focused okay?"steve says.

We make our way into the building and we see hydra. Steve goes in one direction and i follow closely behind but go the other way incase they see us and tony went with scott on his shoulder as a mini man.

"Everyone in position?" Steve asks through the ear peice.

"Yes captain" tony jokes.

We stay in position and then tony notifies us that hydra was taking the sceptre.

"Damn mr rogers that suit did nothing for your ass" he says making me laugh.

"Nobody asked you to look tony" steve says.

"As far as im concerned that's Americas ass" scott says and i burst out laughing

"Stella be quiet" steve says.

I try and keep them in. Things went along and steve told us where to go. Tony makes his past have a cardiac arrest and then we get back to the car. I was the last there.

"Its screwed we fucked up" scott says.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask

"Lost the stone" scott says.

"Theres another time. Back in base" steve says

"I know exactly where you are talking about" tony says.

They shake hands and me and scott were looking very confused. But they took us outside this other building.

"Scott and stella stay here. Me and steve will go inside and when we say push the button okay?" Tony says.

"Ok" scott replies.

Tony walks but i call him back. He turns adound and i kiss him.

"Be careful" i say.

"I will" he says.


Tony and steve updated us and we knew they had the stone.

"Push the button!" Tony says through the earpiece

Scott pushes the button and again it felt so weird. We all looked like little ants. We land back on the time machine in the compound and again i fell.

"How come all you land and i don't" i ask as tony helps me up again.

"Because cats land on their feet. Bitches don't" rocket smirks.

"At leats im a bitch and not a pussy" i wink.

"Good to be back" i hear nats voice and thats when i seen clint next to her.

I genuinely burst out crying and rushed to nat.

"Hey pretty whats wrong?" She asks.

"One of you were supposed to die" i whisper.

"Ah i know. We took one of tony's suits with his old Ai Mia. That was a soul but tony has lost a suit" clint smirks.

"I fucking adore you" i say as i hug clint.

"I don't. I liked that ai" tony says

"Well you have jarvis and friday. Don't be greedy you could of lost one of us" clint says.

"True. Didn't use her anyway" tony says.

"So whats the plan now?" I ask.

"Well first get these horrible suits off us. Secondly a cup of coffee and then figure a way to get these stones to snap" steve says.

We agreed with him and we changed into normal clothes. I picked the baby up off pepper and made a huge fuss of her.

"Ma ma ma" she whispers.

"What?" I ask then knowing she cant answer.

"Ma ma ma" she says again.

"Aghhh my baby girl. Thats right mam mam mam" i smile.

"Its mum or mom. What the hell is mam?" Scott asks.

"In Spain one of the words for mother was mama. And mam for short. I like it that way. But shush she just said he first word!!" I squeal like a little kid.

"Ma" she says.

I smile at her and try to get her to say it on video to send to my dad but she wasn't having none of it. I couldn't believe it though.

After everyone gained their energy again we talked about what is going to happen. Thor did bring back the old glove that thanos had all it had to do was be fixed. The stones were all lined up and ready.

"I will fix these together and then im going to sleep" tony says.

He used his fingers to make the little robot thing move and put the stones onto the glove. Rocket scared him and he nearly punched the animal then it was all done.

"It needs at least 7 hours for it to settle in" tony says.

"Thats fine. We should all get some sleep" bruce says.

"I have a baby to look after. Im okay anyway i had coffee. Cassie morgan wanna go to the little park outside?" I ask.

"Yesss!" They both squeal

"You need sleep too" tony says.

"Ah i will have plenty of that when im dead. Come on kids" i smirk.

I carry the baby and the girls rush off to the little park. I had the babys bag with me so i sat her up between my legs and gave her some toys while the kids played.

It had me thinking of everyone we lost. I wonder what its like up there or whereever they are. God i hope we get them back soon

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