Part 27

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July the 12th

We have just arrived back in new York and are currently driving back to the compound. I feel like shit at the moment because i started my period on the jet luckily i already had a pad on as i knew i was going to start. The first day of my period is always the worst im always moody and the cramps. They ain't too bad at the moment but i know they will get worse.

"How are you now?" Tony asks looking into his mirror at me as i was in the back of the car with the baby.

"Not bad thanks" i smile lightly.

"You know orgasms help with periods" he smirks.

"I swear all you think about is sex" i laugh.

"Not all the time. When we get in i will get you paracetamol and a hot water bottle" he says.

"Its boiling here tones i wont be able to cope with a water bottle" i groan.

"Well pain killers then" he says.

I nod and i lean my head back. The baby squeals randomly and i jump out of my skin. She has now found out she can make loud noises and she wont stop.

"Mouth like her mother" he smirks.

"Shush you. Actually i was a quiet baby. It was when i started school i was a horror. Primary school i was a little shit but secondary school i was worse until year 10 or freshman as you call it" i say.

"What happened after that?" He asks.

"Well thats when i started actually working as i had to get my maths and English which i did and my science teacher understood me so i passed science with flying colours. The other lessons i did shit in but they didn't matter as such as i wanted to be a nurse anyway" i say smilimg thinking of the memories.

"Did you enjoy school?"

"All depends. As i was in two schools as of London and Spain it was weird like one year i would be in Spain and the other London so it was hard to pass as it was different things but my friendship group wasn't great they left me alone all the time so i bothered with a guy and found out he was gay so it was amazing. When i went into uni to do my nurse degree he was with me until I graduated and went into nursing but i moved to spain again as i was in london and i found out he got killed as he got run over" i say

He looks up into his mirror with sorrow

"Im ok it was a few years ago now" i say.

"So your a nurse. Why dont you get yourself back into the hospitals?" He asks.

"I would love to. Just haven't got round to applying" i say

"What area are you qualified in?" He asks.

"Midwifing and i was working in the kids ward up to the ages of 7 and 8" i say

"Well get back into it darling. There's plenty of us to watch the little one"

"I know. I will soon" i smile.

With that we were turning up at the compound. I really enjoy having these chats with tony he does make my day brighter.

When we come to a stop i unstrap the baby and pick her into my arms.

"Leave the bags just bring the baby's things i will come and get them in a bit" i say to tony.

"Okay love" he replies.

We head inside and i jump from the shooting pain going through my stomach. God these cramps better go soon.

"Are you okay?" He asks putting his hand on my lower back.

"Yeah i will be don't worry just cramps" i say with a little smile.

We walk through the door and everyone was happy to see us.

"Thank god you are here mr stark. You need to sort Steve and bruce out they are arguing about the things in the lab all the time" peter whispers.

"If they start again i will but I don't exactly want to get involved kid" tony says to him.

Peter just nods. I hand the baby to may and i go for a wee. The cramps was so bad at the moment I could hardly walk. After i went for a pee i walk out of the bathroom and i lay on the floor. I looked like a proper weirdo but at this moment in time i didn't care. I was in so much pain.

I groan and i roll into a ball.

"Uh are you okay?" I hear visions voice above me.

"Im perfectly fine" i say sarcastically.

"Im around sarcasm most of the day with the others. Do i need to phone an ambulance or get a doctor?" He asks looking at me worried.

"Nope" i say trying to stand. "Im fine"

I bend my back and walk bent over. They say being a girl is easy. God if men had to go through this they wouldn't survive. Vision walks with me and opens the door and i walk to the sofa and sit but it was so uncomfortable so i sit back on the floor.

"Uh why are you sitting on the floor?" Sam asks me.

"Its comfy"

"Don't worry sam she was laying on the floor in a ball just a minute ago" vision says.

I groan in pain again and i lay down. I curl my legs up and i start to cry literally.

"Baby girl what is wrong?" Nat asks kneeling down.

"I have period cramps and im in pain" i whisper.

"Ah i see" she whispers back. "Steve get paracetamol and a glass of water, peter go get a hot water bottle and a cold flannel and tony come hug your girlfriend she needs it" she says

Tony comes over to me and lifts me up onto the sofa.  He hugs into me and i cry onto his chest. Steve brings the tablets so i take them and peter brings the water bottle and flannel. Nat places the water bottle on my stomach and the flannel on my head.

I start to laugh a little.

"i that dramatic that vision thought i needed an ambulance" i say.

"Sweetie no you are far from dramatic. Them sorts of cramps are the worst. Its like giving birth" i hear Tony's mother Maria say.

"Cant be as bad as that" tony says.

"Trust me. Never argue with a woman who is in pain. If men had to go through this they would want their lift to end" maria says.

I groan in pain again and tony lifts me up into his arms.

"I will take her to bed. Mom watch the little one until i come back down please?" Tony says.

"I need to bath her and feed her and put her to bed. I cant go to bed myself yet" i say.

"No panic sweetheart. I will do it" Maria says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Its no panic darling. Get some rest" she says.

"Thank you" i smile.

Tony walks to the bedroom and lays me on the bed. The pain was still there.

"Still hurting?" He asks as he sits next to me.

I nod. So he lifts my top and takes the water bottle off it and starts massaging it. Normally when i do that it makes it worse but he must have magic hands or something because it feels so good. I could feel my eyes dropping as he was rolling his fingers over my stomach.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispers and kisses the top of my head.

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