Part 28

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It was a few days later now and its July the 28th. My period have gone and i was so glad. Since then i have hardly seen tony he is mostly down his lab. I argued with him yesterday over a cup of coffee and we left it as that and I haven't seen him since.

I was currently sat in the office watching paw patrol with the baby. I was supposed to be doing work but I couldn't stop thinking about tony. I decided to put paw patrol on my phone and pick the baby while she was in her little chair and place the phone there so she could still watch it.

I walked her down to Tony's lab and i see him working on a suit. I place the baby down and he looks up at me.

"Whats up?" He asks.

"Just come down to see you" i say.

"Im busy. Can we speak later instead?" He asks.

"I said see you not speak to you but if you want me to go thats fine" i say

"Its not that you are a distraction and i need to get this done stella" he snaps a little.

"What is your problem with me lately? I hardly see you and when i do you cause a fuss" i snap back.

"You distract me Stella. I need to get this suit finished we will probably have a mission soon so i need to get it done" he says.

"If I'm such a distraction i will leave" i say.

"I didn't say i want you to leave just don't talk to me" he says.

"Whats the point of being down here if im just gonna sit in silence?"

"Just shut up" he snaps again.

"Oh fuck off. If you want to be like that be like that. Stuck up twat" i say.

I realised that was a bit much but instead of saying anything else i pick the baby out of the chair and i walk upstairs. I was going to go for a walk but i decided a drive to ryans and blakes is what i need. I haven't seen them in ages.

I strapped the baby into her car seat and i drove straight to ryan and blakes. I got her back out and knocked on the door and ryan answered.

"Well well well. Long time no see" he smirks.

"Hi" i say.

"Oh no what happened?" He asks.

"Can i come in?" I ask.

"No need to ask"

He opens the door wider and i walk through into the kitchen where blake was. Whatever she was making smelt delicious.

"Got a very sad visitor" ryan says making blake look up.

"Oh no whats wrong baby girl?" She asks wiping her hands in the cloth.

"I may of argued with tony. Well it wasn't an argument but im my gut it feels like one" i say.

She opens her arms for the baby so i hand her to her.

"Tell us all about it. You can stay for food its mac and cheese"

"Thank you well basically.." i start.

I tell her what happened and ryan laughed.

"Women are so gullible" he says.

"Ryan!" Blake shouts.

"What? Just saying the reason he didn't want you down there is because you are a distraction to him. You talk he has to look at you i do the same with Blake but she actually stays to piss me off enough for me to actually fuck her" he says smirking.

"Im not sure i get where you are coming from" i say.

"He is distracted by you because he is down the lab. It would of been only you two and i have been down there the room is soundproofed. He was into his work and wanted to get it done but if you talked it meant he had to look at you and then he would want to fuck you because you are so hot" he says.

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