Part 36

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It was the was a few days later. Oh yeah 2am this morning the meeting alarm was going. It was Steve. He said that he had a plan and it was to go and see him. Apparently bruce knows where he now is but obviously we didn't at that time as it was early and none of us knew exactly what he was on about.

So now we are all sat in the main room just finished drinking coffee and was planning on seeing this purple nutsack.

"So come on captain 2am. What is the plan?" Tony asks making me smirk.

Me and him were laying on the little sofa with aliza on his lap. Im still trying to get over what he asked me last night.

"Well we will take the quin jet and nebula will take us to where he is based as she is his daughter she will come with us. She knows him better than all of us" steve says.

"Can i stay here?" I ask.

"We need you. You are one of the strongest in here without wanda here we will have to use your mind reading skills" steve says.

"Pep will you look after the little one for me?" I ask.

"There is no need to ask my darling" she smiles

Considering i have only been here five months and a bit they seem like a proper family. Fuck what about my grandparents? My dad.

"Fuck wait there" i say.

I jump off the sofa and rush upstairs to my phone. I dailed my fathers number and he answered straight away.

"Amor" he says.

"Dad. Is gran and grandpa okay? Are you okay?"i ask.

"Yes we are fine but its very strange around here. Half of the people have disappeared" he says.

"Its thanos" i say.

"Its what?" He asks.

"Thanos. Its hard to explain but i want to know are you all okay?" I ask.

"We are fine mi amor. How is the little one?" He asks.

"She is okay. I will phone you later okay i have things to do" i say.

"Okay. I love you my girl" he says.

"I know. I love you too dad. Give my love to granny and grandpa"

"I will darling. Be safe"

"I will"

We end the call and i make my way back downstairs and wipe the tears that i felt on my face. God i hope we get everyone back.


We were now in the quinn jet. We have been travelling about 45 minutes into space and thats when we see an old looking house. It was a dead place. Nothing there at all except a few plants and this house.

"He is in there" nebula says

I sigh deeply and tony takes my hand.

"We will be alright" he says kissing me lightly on the forehead.

The jet lands and i follow behind everyone. I feel someone hand on my shoulder and it was scott.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah" i smile lightly.

"We will get them back" he says

"I know"

He squeezes my shoulder lightly. We walk into this house and thanos was sat there looking at us like shit. He looks terrible. His hand was all burnt and damn he looked better before.

"Where are the stones?" Thor says placing his hammer on thanos chest.

"Gone" thanos groans.

"What do you mean gone?" Rhodey asks.

"Gone. I used them. They are gone" he says

"He is lying" thor says.

"My father is many things but a lier isn't one of them" nebula says.

"Ahh daughter" he says.

"Not quite" she whispers.

I read his mind and he was right they were gone. He used them and they all shattered.

"He isn't lying" i say.

"You bastard" thor says and slashes him over the head until his head had been cut off.

"Nebula get back to the jet. Stella follow" tony says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just do as you are told" tony snaps. "Sorry just stressed" he adds on.

I turn on my heel and follow nebula. When i got there nebula was quiet.

"Im sorry you had to see that. He is your father after all" i say.

"Its not that. Gamora has dusted and its all because of him. He is no father of mine we need to figure a way to get the stones back" she says.

"I know. We will figure it out" i whisper.


When we got back all everyone did was argue. Everyone had a go at thor then thor started on tony and Tony started on steve and in the end i took the baby and brought her to my office. She was playing in her bouncer while watching teletubbies.

I was doing some work when it came to me. All we had to do was get the stones and reverse what thanos did. All we have to do is figure out when and where they were.

I sat there for an hour figuring out where they were and it was quite simple. All we had to do was split into teams and go get them.

I picked the baby up and rushed downstairs. They all looked at me weird.

"Time travel" i smirk.

"What?" Scott asks.

"The stones. I figured it out" i say placing the baby on Tony's lap.

"How?" Scott asks.

"Well if you think about it the stones had to be somewhere before thanos got them. All we have to do it pick the right times where they were. Go back in time get them and snap our own fingers" i say.

"My girl is a genius" tony says making me smile.

We talked about the stones and how we were gonna do it. Who was going with who and everything.

It was me Steve Scott and tony. Nat and clint. Thor loki rocket and nebula and the others we're debating on who was going. Time was getting on so we decided to just do it straight away in the morning. Im sure if we all worked together as a team and no arguments we would be able to get through this and bring back our family.

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