Part 12

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It was now the 14th of april. Two days later only today we planned to go on a date as the baby was very unsettled and i don't know why. I did put the baby to bed around an hour ago and no offence to the little beauty but i was glad to have her out of my ear. Im sure she is coming down with something as she has been so grizzly but may said she would take care of her while i was out with tony and if she needed me i was a phone call away.

Thats what i was dressed in and i had a black blazer over the top as i hated showing my stomach as of my stretch marks

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Thats what i was dressed in and i had a black blazer over the top as i hated showing my stomach as of my stretch marks. I hated looking at mine. The story behind them is beautiful because of the baby but some days i just feel really insecure.

I checked my phone but was disturbed by my bedroom door opening revealing a very smartly dressed tony.

I checked my phone but was disturbed by my bedroom door opening revealing a very smartly dressed tony

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He had his stubble. He leaned against the door frame and i just stare.

"You look beautiful" he says with a smile.

"You should of knocked. I could of been naked mr stark" i say teasingly.

"I wouldn't of complained. I would just admire you while you dressed im sure you are even more beautiful without these clothes on" he says with a smirk.

"Stop flirting" i laugh.

"Im aloud. Anyway are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeah" i reply.

"Good. Carriage awaits" he says holding his arm out for me.

I happily take it while we walk downstairs. Everyone compliments us and tells us to have a good time. I reasure may to phone me if any problems.

"Come on the driver is waiting. See you all later or tomorrow" tony says taking my arm in his again.

He leads us down to the front entrance and there was a car waiting but no driver. I look at tony strange and he opens the door for me to get into the passenger seat. Once i was in he closed the door and i put my belt on and he walks around to the drivers side doing the same.

"Thought you said the driver was waiting?" I ask.

"He was. Im the driver and i was waiting. If I didn't get us out of there now then we would still be in there having lectures on no more babies" he says air quoting the last three words.

"Oh right" i laugh.

He drives us into the city and it was all beautiful lit up. I love new York in the night its so pretty and less busy. He drives past a huge tower and points at it.

"Thats where i used to live well where all of us used to live i guess before the compound was made into the avengers facility" he says.

"How many places have you lived?" I ask.

"Three but i only got two now" he says.

I look at him shocked.

"What? Oh I didn't tell you i got my own place did i?" He asks smirking

"I think i would remember if you said you had another place but when can i see this place? I would love to see it" i say.

"One day my love one day" he says.

It makes my stomach flutter when he says my love and it makes me want to climb over onto his lap and kiss him but i don't want to die today so i will keep him concentrating on the road.

We arrive at the restaurant and i had to say it was beautiful. All lit up and posh. Tony opens my car door and helps me out.

"Why thank you" i smile.

"Its my pleasure" he smiles back.

We walk in and it was like a romance movie. His hand swiped the back of my hand and we both look at each other. He grabs my hand and then we interlock it and he smiles.

"I can't believe Im holding my crushes hand" he says like a teenage boy to the guard standing on the restaurant door.

"Good on you mr stark" the guard says

I roll my eyes and tony laughs. We walk through the door and the man led us to the table. This was gonna be a beautiful night.

We ate our food and chatted and i had to say tony stark knew how to flirt let me tell you. He had just paid for mine and his meal and i thanked him with a kiss and then we walked outside. It was dark but the beach looked beautiful.

"Fancy a walk?" He asks.

"Yeah of course" i smile.

We walked down the steps and to the sand where a bunch of teenagers were rushing towards us. Tony pushes me lightly behind him and i laugh.

"Oh my you are iron man" one boy says.

"Sometimes. Not today though" tony replies.

"Can we have a picture?" One girl asks.

Tony agrees and they all take selfies with him. It was cute to be honest. After they walked off we walked towards the water and both stared out. I see tony looking me up and down with a smirk and my arms automatically covered my stomach and thats when i see a pout on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Why what?"

"Please don't cover yourself from me" he says.

"I just feel insecure with my stretch marks and you were looking at me it was kind of a automatic reaction" i say.

"Please. You are beautiful and these stretch marks are perfect. You are perfect" he says.

He carefully removes my hand and he then cups my cheeks and kisses me. I sink into the kiss and he groans making me groan back

"Be honest with me ok?" He says.

"Always" i say.

"Was this date better than buckys?" He asks.

"Tony honey I didn't go on a date with bucky. We went for a car drive. We made it look like a date but trust me it wasn't" i say.

"Oh good because you are stuck with me now" he winks.

I wrap my arms around his back and hug into his chest and look out to the water. This was perfect.

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