Part 40

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"Mum?" I ask.

"Hi baby" she smiles lightly.

I sob and she holds me. She is exactly how I remember her. Wait how am i here? Oh god i did die.

"You have passed away my love" she says as she helps me sit up.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Somewhere special. Come on lets go catch up" she says.

I was so scared but i was with my mother. Nearly three years since i seen her and she looks perfect. She led me to this little room and it was so weird. It was all white with white sofas. I sat and cuddled her.

"Im confused mum"i say.

"Its like heaven but not really. Its a different reality. I uh used to be friends with jannet. Hope van dynes mother. She told me all about this place and when i passed away i was exactly like you. I was scared but i met people that i used to be friends with and i have loved every minute of it. Watching you and the baby it was adorable" she says.

"You see me?" I ask.

"All the time. Well times when i know you ain't pre occupied with tony" she smirks.

"I can't believe this" i say.

"Its hard to believe chicken but believe me. I watch over dad i know he misses me very much and his parents. Its hard but i know I can't go back down there. Just seeing you now has made me so happy. Not in the circumstances you are in but i know for these few hours you are here i know your future husband will take good care of your little one" she says

"Few hours?" I ask.

"Well i want some time with you. But you need to get back down there. Im not letting you stay up here with me. You have a beautiful family and friends. Im safe up here and im always watching over you" she says squeezing my hand.

"I have missed you so much" i say starting to cry.

"I know. I have missed hearing your voice sweetheart. For real" she says.

We talk for hours on end about my life. About why she does in this new reality. She asks about dad and i tell her. Its just everything from these past few years that we have missed being together with.

"I think you best get back down there" she says.

"Kicking me out are you" i smirk.

"No. I would never but i want you to be back with your little princess. You need to be with her. Watch her grow up and develop. Be the perfect mother that you already are. Keep your dad sane. Make yourself mrs stark. Go and wind up the others in the compound. Be the perfect person that you are today. Im always watching you and you are never alone my baby girl" she says holding onto me.

I hug her tightly and i start to cry. She holds my hair and I genuinely sob. God i have missed her so much.

"I love you sweetheart always. If you see a little tiny feather. Thats me. Showing you that im here always" she says squeazing my hand.

"I love you unconditionally mum" i cry.

"Go be with your family" she says.

It goes dark and then light. I open my eyes and i was on the compound floor. Wait the compound. It looks different. It has all different laylout and different colours. I can see the babys pram. I look out the window and everyone was sat on chairs on the grass all dressed in black looking at a priest. It was freezing i could feel the cold air on my bare arms. I was in a top with no sleeves.

I seen a hoodie on the peg so i picked it up and placed it over my head and made my way outside. There was a video playing with all pictures and videos of me and my family. It was so sad and the song that was playing behind it was my favourite sad song. Called i beat you there by will dempsey.

I stayed there for a while watching this video and oh my gosh it was sad. Im guessing I'm crashing my own funeral.

The video ended and the priest. Well the man who was doing the funeral looked back to the front and started talking but then soon stopped when he seen me. I gave a little wave and his face went white as a ghost.

"I uh" he stutters.

"Want me to carry on for you?" I mouth.

He nods and i think he was just to stunned to speak. I made my way arounf and approached him with my hood up. I turned to the fromt and took it down.

"Well its not like me to crash my own funeral but here i am" i smirk.

I see a little white feather floating in front of me and i smirk.

"Oh my god. What the hell!" Nat shouts as she rushed up to me.

I embrace her in a hug. Everyone does the same and i see tony sitting with my dad and my grandparents while they were all crying and i almost didn't recognise my own baby. She has grown so much. I started to cry when i seen her and her face beamed.

"Ma ma ma" she squeals as i lift her up.

"You have gotten so big" i cry.

"You were gone for three weeks. What did you expect?" Scott asks.

Tony wraps his arms around me and i kiss his lips.

"I missed you. Why did you do that to us?" He asks.

"Saved your lives. Im alive now to so stop complaining" i wink.


We are all sat in the compound and i ask them how it was refurbished in three weeks and apparently tony paid millions for it. I was gone for three weeks but up there three weeks is three hours its mad.

"You know we all had breakdowns because you died" nat says.

"Im so sorry. I just met someone who really meant a lot to me and i had to stay up there to see her" i say hugging my little baby.

"Mum?" Dad asks.

I nod.

"I don't know what happened but when i died i went into like a different reality. She was there and oh my dad she hasn't changed" i say wiping the tears away.

"Just glad you are okay" dad says.

"Stell. Come with me a minute" tony says.

I do as he says and i follow him with the baby in my arms. He sits down into a library which was new and he held my hand.

"Missed you so much darling" he says kissing the top of my hand.

"I missed you too" i smile.

"Move in with me. You wont believe how nice the new penthouse is" he smirks

"How much have you spent on this and the penthouse. God money with you definitely isn't a problem" i laugh.

"Never with me. So?" He asks.

"I say yes but ask your daughter" i say.

He was stunned by the word daughter but he kisses me.

"She is living with us anyway. My little family

My future husband, her future daddyWhere stories live. Discover now