Part 22

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I groan. My head is slamming. Im in pain all over what the fuck did i do last night. Well i cant remember hardly anything. Last thing i remember was doing shots with nat and after that its a complete blur. I roll over to see that the clock said 9:37am. Tonys side of the bed was cold and i could see there was tablets by the side with a glass of water. I swigged them down and i lay my head on the pillow. Jeez i feel like I'm on a boat.

I waited a few minutes and then i stood up. I could see i had bruises all over my legs and a few on my arms. I walked to the bathroom and turned my back to the mirror and seen i had a huge ass bruise on my back. No wonder why its hurting. I wasn't in my clothes either i was in tony's.

I turned the shower on and jumped in. Washed my hair and splashed my face with the water then i got out. Done the regular which is clean my teeth,dry my hair and do a light amount of make up and then i changed into some sport shorts and a long tshirt. I just put my sliders on and i went downstairs where everyone was

"There she is. The person who tried to get herself killed three times" bucky says.

"Shush barnes. I don't remember anything" i say taking a seat next to nat.

"Oh you and romanoff was a nightmare. Steve had to save you from drowning. You also fell down the stairs and nearly caught yourself on fire" clint says with a smirk.

"Im so sorry. Wait is that why i have a gigantic bruise on my back?" I ask.

"Oh no sweetheart thats when you were peeing in the bath and you fell backwards and hit your back on the metal bar" tony says

I roll my eyes and i place my head on nats shoulder. We all talk about what we did last night and we had a few laughs.

"Stella. Can you come with me a minute please?" Tony asks.

"Yeah sure. Please Don't go punishing me yet" i say and he grins.

"Not yet. Later" he says.

I stand up and he takes my hand. He leads me down stairs to a door that was locked.

"This isn't the part where you lock me in a basement inside a glass cage is it?" I ask.

"What?" He replies.

"Oh just something off a tv show. Is your name joe Goldberg?" I ask.

"Think you are still drunk my love" he laughs.

"You have never watched you?" I ask.

"I have watched myself yes. Im on tv quite a lot" he replies as he puts his hand into his pocket.

"No as in the nextflix series you"

"Oh no. I hardly watch tv unless im on it" he smirks.

"Typical. You will have to watch it with me" i say.

"Yes one day. Now im going to blindfold you" he says as he brings out his tie.

"And this is where you will throw me in the cage" i wink.

"Just turn around"

I do as he says and he wraps the tie around my eyes. He puts his hands on my hips and leads me to where he wants to. I hear the door shut and he takes me in further.

"You won't be able to use it straight away or if you get caught by the cops you would probably have it taken off you" he says making me even more confused than i am now.

"You are making me so confused" i laugh.

He undoes the tie and i gasp. In front of me was a beautiful white audi.

"Happy Birthday darling" he whispered in my ear

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"Happy Birthday darling" he whispered in my ear.

"Tony this is insane. I cant except this. Its a car!" I say

"Im a billionaire. I will give you the world and more. Wait until we are married and have more kids together" he winks.

"More kids?" I ask.

"Well yes. Little aliza is my baby now. We are in it together. I will buy you both anything you want. Want a dog? I will get one. Want a boat? Fuck it lets get one. Want to move to a different country? Lets go. Your mine to hold and to spoil now baby" he says.

I wrap my arms around him and i kiss him passionately. He happily kisses me back and when i pull away he smiles.

"You are insane" i say.

"No baby. Im in love there is a huge difference" he says.

"Can i look inside it?" I ask.

He nods and the car opens. I open the doors and it was heaven. It was so beautiful. Every single part about it.

"You can test drive it tomorrow as the alcohol is in your system still. But for now lets go pick up the little princess. I will drive" he says.

"Okay" i smile.

We walk down the stairs and to my surprise it lead us to his lab. His car was there so he opened the door and helped me in then went over to his side. I turned around and seen that the car seat was already in here so he just drove.

When we got to blakes we walked in and ryan was laying flat on the sofa looking rough as hell.

"Good party. Your drink nearly killed my husband" blake laughs walking into the room with aliza on her hip.

"Nearly killed this one too. Three times" tony says leaning his arm on my shoulder.

"Oh shush im alive now. Ryan stop feeling sorry for yourself" i laugh.

"Im never drinking again" he says holding his head.

"Oh baby boy we all say that" i joke.

I open my arms out for the baby and she comes to me straight away. We talk with blake for a while but she had to go to work so we left.

"Wanna go for a drive before we go back?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. No buisness though i have the baby here" i smirk

"Oh no. Your punishment is that im not going to touch you until you beg me to stop tonight" he winks

Get yourself a man like tony stark they say. Pain in the ass

Hola beautiful people. I hope you are all enjoying this story. Its not my best one but you know me I'm not very imaginative.  Sorry i take so long to upload. I have two jobs its just so hard to try and upload them.

Hope you are all doing well!

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