i. rúna

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Rúna was a vicious woman. No matter where she went she left a trail of bodies in her wake, with heads on pikes and cocks hung from trees. She loved killing and action, she aches for the rush it would give her. And just like her brother Uhtred, she too had a company that always stuck to her side in loyalty.

A beautiful dark-haired Christian woman sat next to her feeding Rùna a piece of meat with far too much ardor involved. The woman was said to be the devil and the church was to burn her at the stake. They would have succeeded if Rúna hadn't woken with the urge to kill holy men. The woman was no witch but instead a dreamer, a woman blessed with dreams of the past and future.

Mary swore loyalty to Rúna the moment she cut her down, kneeling in the still hot ash begging to serve the blessing sent from her god. The dane accepted it with the sole purpose of gaining a woman counterpart, the comfort of a woman was different from a man's.

To her right sat Sindri, a man of few words. He had served under her for almost ten years, when her family was killed by Kjartan he traveled the sea to find her, he was half dead when she found him. Starved and exhausted with the sole purpose of ensuring her safety. He's the closest thing to a father she has left, his hair white as snow and a man fit to be Thor himself in mortal form. The only words he had spoken since that moment on were to swear loyalty to her and that he would never speak another word until he could help her avenge her family. He's never spoken since.

And lastly, laying obnoxiously across her lap was her friend since the age of five, Trig. They had been inseparable since the moment they met, she had punched him for smiling at her and he swore to her that he would never leave her side. And he hasn't. Their relationship was complex to put it simply, they were bound for life. They were not destined to be wife and husband but the bond they shared went beyond that, although they shared a bed, they were not lovers either. Bound by loyalty and love and under the watchful eyes of the Gods they were destined to fight alongside one another as nothing more than friends.

Trig had bemoaned that his hair was growing too long again and begged her to braid it for him and despite her cold exterior, she would do anything for these three and her siblings. Carefully, she sectioned his brunette hair into threes and braided it tightly, Mary watched with a smile as Trig tossed dried meat to Sindri who caught it in his mouth with a smirk.

"Have you heard anything from Uhtred?" Trig asked gazing up at the blonde woman.

She smiled softly at the thought of Uhtred, her younger brother was her pride and joy. She taught him how to fight and urged him along with her father to pursue Brida. He was both a brother and a son to her, the instinct to defend and protect him so fiercely could only be explained by a maternal trait deep within her.

She frowned when she realized she hadn't seen him in at the very least ten years, he was Alfred's lap dog and since her return, she had reunited with Ragnar and Brida but Uhtred was not with them. She feared she would forget his face and voice soon, her last memory was the day Thyra was to be married and nothing more from that moment on. Grieving her family she fled to the sea to find Ragnar, upon telling him what happened he sought vengeance. She did not. She couldn't bear it and Ragnar understood. He gave her a ship and she sailed across the world with Trig, they collected the other two along the way.

She watched as Ragnar and Brida walked past them talking to Cnut, the cousin that the siblings disliked. He was too busy following Brida like a dog and what she believed was a plan to betray Ragnar and her. She narrowed her eyes when Ragnar left and Cnut immediately crowded into Brida's space, at the slightest sign of unease she would kill the man with no hesitation.

She pushed Trig off her and ignored his shout of protest as she followed Ragnar, she shoved Cnut out of her way in the process and smiled when Brida laughed. The blond dane was talking to Jackdaw and upon noticing her he grinned widely, her brother clapped her shoulder.

"Rune! We have spotted men traveling here, I wish for you and your company to spy on them." She nodded knowing she could never deny him a thing and the use of the childhood nickname didn't help.

"Are they allies or foes?" She asked as they walked into his hall.

"Not sure. Brida spotted them with Cnut and Jackdaw a couple of days out." He handed her a mug of ale that she chugged down and walked around him.

"It could be a trick. A plan to divide us."

"I know, sister. But something is not right. I cannot explain it." She watched as he pleaded with her through his eyes and she sighed.

"Mary has seen men at a camp in her dream last night, one of them is dying she says. Perhaps they seek help from us to save him." Rúna sits next to her brother and watches him closely, he runs his hands through his beard in thought before nodding.

"I trust you more than anyone, if you believe the Christian woman speaks the truth I will help them." Rúna kissed his head and she left hoping to ease his worry, she motioned to her company to follow.

"Where to, Lady Rúna?" Mary teased as she was helped onto Rúna's horse with her. The dark-haired woman got handsy and caressed the blonde's thighs.

"To spy on a company of men and a woman." She grinned when Mary slid a hand up over her breastplate armor and tapped it.

Sindri nodded at her and awaited her next order. Trig looked at the two women in amusement and kicked Rúna in the leg before riding off, she just laughed and chased after the male.

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