vi. choose a side

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Rúna and Sihtric grinned as they circled one another slowly with swords drawn. Finan had bet that Sihtric couldn't knock her down in a fight and the two Danes took the bait. Their swords clashed as she swung at him and he managed to dodge her, the two continued this dance of fighting until she managed to get behind him and placed the sword at his neck.

"Seem familiar?" She teased remembering how they met, Sihtric chuckled and leaned back into her. "Do I need to shove you to your knees too?"

"I assure you, Lady Rúna. You do not need to force me to my knees, you just have to ask." She rolled her eyes at his attempt at flirting but let him go nonetheless. A bell rings once again, drawing their attention to Ragnar who frowns.

"What is it?" Brida shouts.

"Traders, maybe."

"One man, one woman." Brida calls down. Rúna looks to Sihtric and it would seem that neither of them knew what was going on.

"Unbar the gates, let us take a look at them." Ragnar commands, Rúna watches a priest walk in first and then her little sister.

"Thyra!" She yelled happily and ran past Ragnar.

"Thyra! Thyra! What are you doing here?" Ragnar shouts with panic and runs to his sisters.

"Are you not glad to see me?" Ragnar helped her down and Rúna pulled Thyra into a hug.

"Look at you, you're beautiful. And you're smiling!" Ragnar claims happily as he hugs her.

"I am happy." Thyra spoke softly and glanced at Beocca, Uhtred walked over gaining Thyra's attention. She takes Thyra's hand when she's done talking to the boys and decides to pull her away for some privacy. Thyra loops her arm around Rúna's with a cheerful smile as she looks at her.

"How have you been sister?" Thyra asked kindly making the eldest woman grin.

"Oh, you know, the usual. I want to hear how you've been." Thyra smiled shyly as she glanced at the priest.

"I have a husband, one who treats me perfectly. I never thought I would have this, after what happened with Sven." Thyra spoke and Rúna frowned in guilt.

"I am sorry, Thyra."

"It is not your fault, sister. Never has been, I wish you would understand that. The guilt you carry is not yours to burden." Thyra spoke placing a hand on her cheek softly. "Sven violated you and did the same with me, Uhtred saved us. The revenge Kjartan and Sven sought was more for reputation and revenge than it was for us." Rúna looked away to blink back her tears and Thyra reached up to wipe them away.

"I cannot forgive myself for the part I played, Thyra. And I do not think I ever will." She whispered and leaned into Thyra's warm touch.

"I believe that has already begun and you just haven't noticed. I do see, however, that Kjartan's son is watching us. I was not aware you two are friends." Thyra said with a small smile, she wasn't wrong. Sihtric had glanced their way and straightened up in alarm at the sight of Rúna's tears.

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